Publications: contains »bri« (218 publications found)
The Russian Oil and Gas Sector: Facing the New Challenges
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Research Report No. 294, February 2003
29 pages including 4 Tables and 2 Figures
Foreign Direct Investment in Central and East European Countries and the Former Soviet Union - with Special Attention to Austrian FDI Activities
Gabor Hunya
wiiw FDI Report No. 2002-07, July 2002
Technical Change, Effective Demand and Economic Growth
Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Working Paper No. 22, April 2002
Developments and Prospects of the Basic Metals and Fabricated Metal Products Sector in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Doris Hanzl-Weiss
wiiw Industry Study No. 2002/1, February 2002 plus free access to wiiw Industrial Database
Competitiveness of CEE Industries: Evidence From Foreign Trade Specialization and Quality Indicators
Peter Havlik, Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Research Report No. 278, July 2001
58 pages including 20 Tables and 24 Figures
Prospects for Development in South-East Europe (Reprint; first published by Bank Austria, Vienna, December 2000)
Vasily Astrov and Vladimir Gligorov
wiiw Research Report No. 276, April 2001
59 pages including 34 Tables and 1 Figure
Industrial Specialization, Trade, and Labour Market Dynamics in a Multisectoral Model of Technological Progress
Robert Stehrer
wiiw Working Paper No. 15, January 2001
HUNGARY: Medium-term Forecast and Risk Assessment
Sandor Richter
wiiw Analytical Forecast No. 11-2000, November 2000
Reforming China's enterprises / China's economy back on track
Charles Pigott and Waltraut Urban
wiiw China Report No. 2-3, October 2000
A Leontief-type Model of Ownership Structures. Methodology and Implications
Frantisek Turnovec
wiiw Working Paper No. 13, April 2000