Publications: contains »wiiw« (1159 publications found)
Employers’ Skills Requirements in the Austrian Labour Market: On the Relative Importance of ICT, Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills over the Past 15 Years
Sandra M. Leitner and Oliver Reiter
wiiw Working Paper No. 190, December 2020
37 pages including 3 Tables and 9 Figures
Can we Justify EU Cohesion Policy?
Roman Römisch
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 42, November 2020
12 pages including 3 Figures
No Quick Recovery in Sight, with Coronavirus Risks Looming Large
Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Philipp Heimberger, Gabor Hunya, Branimir Jovanović, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Bernd Christoph Ströhm
wiiw Forecast Report No. Autumn 2020, November 2020
151 pages including 37 Tables, 46 Figures and 1 Box
Monthly Report No. 11/2020
Alexandra Bykova, Branimir Jovanović, Artem Kochnev and Sergey Markedonov
wiiw Monthly Report No. 11, November 2020
54 pages including 2 Tables and 30 Figures
Non-Tariff Measures and the Quality of Imported Products
Mahdi Ghodsi and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Working Paper No. 189, October 2020
32 pages including 12 Tables
Monthly Report No. 10/2020
Amat Adarov, Ruslan Grinberg, Julia Grübler and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Monthly Report No. 10, October2020
50 pages including 3 Tables and 29 Figures
Refugees’ Integration into the Austrian Labour Market: Dynamics of Occupational Mobility and Job-Skills Mismatch
Michael Landesmann and Sandra M. Leitner
wiiw Working Paper No. 188, October 2020
36 pages including 1 Table and 22 Figures
Refugees‘ Integration in the Austrian Labour Market: Occupational Mobility and Job-Skills Mismatch
Michael Landesmann and Sandra M. Leitner
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 41, October 2020
17 pages including 8 Figures
What Can Be the Way out of the Impasse in Belarus?
Rumen Dobrinsky
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 40, September 2020
14 pages
Regional Economic Cooperation in the Western Balkans: The Role of Stabilisation and Association Agreements, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements in Regional Investment and Trade Flows
Richard Grieveson, Mario Holzner and Goran Vukšić
wiiw Research Report No. 450, September 2020
55 pages including 23 Tables and 8 Figures