Monthly Report No. 2/2021


Alexandra Bykova, Richard Grieveson, Julia Grübler, Magdolna Sass and Tamás Szemlér

wiiw Monthly Report No. 2, February 2021
52 pages including 30 Figures

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Special Issue
30th Anniversary of the Visegrád Agreement

  • Chart of the month: Strong economic convergence, but increasing political challenges
    by Alexandra Bykova and Richard Grieveson
  • Opinion Corner: Looking backward, looking forward
    by Tamás Szemlér
    The Visegrád Group is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary. Over the past three decades, its member states have also become full-fledged members of the most important Euro-Atlantic integration structures. The group still offers important possibilities, but it should continue to be regarded as a piece in the complex Euro-Atlantic puzzle – rather than as an alternative to it.
  • Time for a Paradigm Shift? 
    by Julia Grübler
    Despite the Visegrád countries’ generally positive economic performance since 1991 and their successful integration into the Central European manufacturing core, important challenges still lie ahead. Policies towards sustainable development should form a central plank of the agenda in the region over the coming years.
  • FDI-based models and what the future may have in store for them
    by Magdolna Sass
    The economic strategy of the Visegrád countries has largely been based on attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). Although it showed some vulnerability during the global financial crisis, prompting governments to place greater emphasis on domestic economic players in certain sectors, the general reliance on foreign capital was left intact – and on some measures even increased. The trend towards de-globalisation, Industry 4.0-related developments, lack of viable powerful domestic economic growth engines and the COVID-19 pandemic may herald a renaissance in FDI-based growth (in a more inward-looking EU). And that is the most likely scenario for the Visegrád countries in the near future.
  • Monthly and quarterly statistics for Central, East and Southeast Europe


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: wage convergence, Liberal Democracy Index, Visegrád cooperation, EU integration, Central European unity, economic convergence, trade openness, sustainability indicators, happiness score, foreign direct investment, foreign ownership, COVID-19 pandemic, de-globalisation, Industry 4.0

Countries covered: CESEE, Austria, Visegrad countries

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI
