Publications: contains »development« (385 publications found)
Ukraine, the European Union and the International Community: Current Challenges and the Agenda for Overcoming the Stalemate
Vasily Astrov, Igor Burakovsky, Grzegorz Gromadzki, Peter Havlik and Vasyl Yurchyshyn
wiiw Research Report No. 364, July 2010
93 pages including 27 Tables and 15 Figures
Monthly Report No. 6/2010
John Kenneth Galbraith, Oleh Havrylyshyn and Sandor Richter
wiiw Monthly Report No. 6, June 2010
30 pages including 8 Tables and 2 Figures
The Three Debts: A Look from the East
Vladimir Gligorov and Michael Landesmann
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 4, June 2010
12 pages including 6 figures
FDI in the CEECs Hit Hard by the Global Crisis
Gabor Hunya and Monika Schwarzhappel
wiiw FDI Report No. 2010-05, May 2010
107 pages including 86 Tables
Current State and Prospects of the Russian Energy Sector
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Research Report No. 363, June 2010
36 pages including 3 Tables and 11 Figures
Tourism and Economic Development: the Beach Disease?
Mario Holzner
wiiw Working Paper No. 66, June 2010
31 pages including 9 Tables and 1 Figure
European Energy Security in View of Russian Economic and Integration Prospects
Peter Havlik
wiiw Research Report No. 362, May 2010
42 pages including 1 Table and 14 Figures
Why Are Goods Cheaper in Rich Countries? Beyond the Balassa-Samuelson Effect
Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Working Paper No. 64, April 2010
20 pages including 2 Tables and 6 Figures
Monthly Report No. 3/2010
A. Miklaszewicz, V. Popova, Roman Römisch, H. Sladek and Waltraut Urban
wiiw Monthly Report No. 3, March 2010
32 pages including 16 Tables, 5 Figures and 1 Map
Short-run Projections of Patterns of Job Contraction in the EU
Robert Stehrer and Terry Ward
wiiw Research Report No. 361, February 2010
79 pages including 36 Tables and 25 Figures