Publications: contains »'central europe'« (58 publications found)
New Divide(s) in Europe?
Vasily Astrov, Vladimir Gligorov, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Peter Havlik, Mario Holzner, Gabor Hunya, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Zdenek Lukas, Anton Mihailov, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Josef Pöschl, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts No. 9, March 2012
161 pages including 34 Tables and 23 Figures
The Role of Services in the New Member States: A Comparative Analysis Based on Input-Output Tables
Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Research Report No. 366, November 2010
91 pages including 26 Tables and 37 Figures
Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?
Vasily Astrov, Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik, Mario Holzner, Gabor Hunya, Kazimierz Laski, Sebastian Leitner, Zdenek Lukas, Anton Mihailov, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Josef Pöschl, Sandor Richter, Waltraut Urban and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts No. 6, July 2010
164 pages including 30 Tables and 33 Figures
European Energy Security in View of Russian Economic and Integration Prospects
Peter Havlik
wiiw Research Report No. 362, May 2010
42 pages including 1 Table and 14 Figures
Which Growth Model for Central and Eastern Europe after the Crisis?
Other working papers and discussion series read more
MOEL: Wachstumsvorsprung gegenüber Westeuropa bleibt erhalten
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 2008-05, May 2008
16 pages including 8 Tables and 3 Figures
Wirtschaftswachstum in den MOEL zunehmend durch heimische Nachfrage getragen
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 2007-05, May 2007
Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Longer-term Growth Prospects
Leon Podkaminer and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Research Report No. 330, October 2006
Broader-based Growth Resilient to Global Uncertainties
Vasily Astrov, Zlatko Bosnic, Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik, Mario Holzner, Gabor Hunya, Michael Landesmann, Zdenek Lukas, Anton Mihailov, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Research Report No. 328, July 2006
123 pages including 44 Tables and 19 Figures
Turkey: Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Competitiveness and the Labour Market
Vasily Astrov, Josef Pöschl, Hermine Vidovic and Julia Wörz
wiiw country profile No. 21, April 2005