Publications: contains »database« (480 publications found)
Monthly Report 11/2003
Helen Boss Heslop, Vladimir Gligorov, Gabor Hunya, Anton Mihailov and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Monthly Report No. 11, November 2003
Monthly Report 10/2003
Peter Havlik, Zdenek Lukas, Leon Podkaminer, Josef Pöschl, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Monthly Report No. 10, October 2003
Monthly Report 08-09/2003
Edward Christie, Uwe Dulleck, Neil Foster-McGregor, Mario Holzner, Pawel Kowalewski, Robert Stehrer and Julia Wörz
wiiw Monthly Report No. 8-9, September 2003
Foreign Direct Investment in CEECs and the Former Soviet Union - with Special Attention to Austrian FDI Activities
Gabor Hunya
wiiw FDI Report No. 2003-07, July 2003
Monthly Report 07/2003
Pawel Kowalewski and Julia Wörz
wiiw Monthly Report No. 7, July 2003
Monthly Report 05/2003
Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Roman Römisch
wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2003
Patterns of Trade Specialization and Economic Growth
Julia Wörz
wiiw Research Report No. 295, May 2003
67 pages including 14 Tables and 10 Figures
Monthly Report 04/2003
Vladimir Gligorov, Kazimierz Laski, Sandor Richter and Roman Römisch
wiiw Monthly Report No. 4, April 2003
Monthly Report 03/2003
Vasily Astrov, Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik and Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Monthly Report No. 3, March 2003
Monthly Report special issue Spring Seminar No. S1/2003
Patrizia Baur, Peter Havlik, Kazimierz Laski, Zdenek Lukas, Leon Podkaminer, Josef Pöschl, Sandor Richter, Roman Römisch and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Monthly Report No. S1, March 2003