Publications: contains »database« (480 publications found)
The Information and Communication Technology Cluster in the Global Value Chain Network
Amat Adarov
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 50, July 2021
20 pages including 4 Tables and 5 Figures
Monthly Report No. 7-8/2021
Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Selena Duraković, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Branimir Jovanović, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter, Bernd Christoph Ströhm and Maryna Tverdostup
wiiw Monthly Report No. 7-8, July-August 2021
42 pages including 4 Tables and 15 Figures
Monthly Report No. 6/2021
Ivo Bićanić, Vladimir Gligorov, Veronika Janyrova, Branimir Jovanović and Milica Uvalic
wiiw Monthly Report No. 6, June 2021
55 pages including 1 Table and 30 Figures
A Skill-specific Dynamic Labour Supply and Labour Demand Framework: A Scenario Analysis for the Western Balkan Countries to 2030
Sandra M. Leitner
wiiw Working Paper No. 200, June 2021
41 pages including 15 Figures
wiiw - POLMIG Database: An Inventory of Migration Policy Changes in Europe, 2013-2019
Sandra Kovacevic and Isilda Mara
wiiw Statistical Report No. 10, Mai 2021
19 pages including 4 Tables and 3 Diagrams
Getting Stronger After COVID-19: Nearshoring Potential in the Western Balkans
Balša Ćulafić, Martin Gaber, Mahdi Ghodsi, Belma Hasić, Muela Ibrahimi, Branimir Jovanović, Sophia Kluge, Ognjenka Lalović, Marko Mandić, Ravik Mima, Sanja Nikolova, Antoaneta Manova Stavreska, Olga van Zijverden and Jelena Vasić
wiiw Research Report No. 453, May 2021
121 pages including 32 Tables, 39 Figures and 6 Boxes
Monthly Report No. 5/2021 - FDI in Central, East and Southeast Europe
Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova and Olga Pindyuk
wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2021
52 pages including 5 Tables and 34 Figures
Darkest before the dawn?
Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Selena Duraković, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Branimir Jovanović, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter, Bernd Christoph Ströhm and Maryna Tverdostup
wiiw Forecast Report No. Spring 2021, April 2021
157 pages including 29 Tables, 62 Figures and 2 Boxes
Monthly Report No. 4/2021
Hubert Gabrisch, Olga Pindyuk, Oliver Reiter and Ivan Timofeev
wiiw Monthly Report No. 4, April 2021
49 pages including 3 Tables and 26 Figures
Value Chain Integration of the Western Balkan Countries and Policy Options for the Post-COVID-19 Period
Oliver Reiter and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 48, March 2021
25 pages including 3 Tables and 8 Figures