Publications: contains »age« (959 publications found)
Global Growth Processes: Technology Diffusion, Catching-up and Effective Demand
Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Working Paper No. 26, January 2004
Lessons to be Learnt from the ERM and their Applicability to the Accession Economies Seeking to Join ERM2
Pawel Kowalewski
wiiw Research Report No. 302, January 2004
36 pages including 6 Tables and 7 Figures
Monthly Report 12/2003
Kazimierz Laski, Mojmir Mrak, Sandor Richter and John Williamson
wiiw Monthly Report No. 12, December 2003
A Note on the Evolution of Inequality in Poland, 1992-99 Analytical Notes on the Balassa-Samuelson Effect
Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Research Report No. 301, November 2003
Regional Issues, Banking Reform and Related Credit Risk in Russia
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Research Report No. 300, September 2003
71 pages including 15 Tables
Consequences of EU Accession: Economic Effects on CEECs
Michael Landesmann and Sandor Richter
wiiw Research Report No. 299, August 2003
39 pages including 3 Tables and 7 Figures
Serbia and Montenegro: Transition with Organized Crime
Vladimir Gligorov
wiiw country profile No. 19, July 2003
Transition Countries in 2003: Reforms and Restructuring Keep the Global Economic Slowdown at Bay
Peter Havlik
wiiw Research Report No. 297, July 2003
94 pages including 29 Tables and 21 Figures
From Accession to Cohesion: Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain and Lessons for the Next Accession
Kazimierz Laski and Roman Römisch
wiiw Research Report No. 298, July 2003
74 pages including 19 Tables and 40 Figures