Publications: contains »regional« (207 publications found)
Wirtschaftliche Perspektiven für Kroatien
Mario Holzner and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 9, March 2018
36 pages including 4 Tables and 10 Figures
Online Annex – Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions: Annex II – Econometric Analysis and Supplemental Tables
Stefan Jestl and Roman Römisch
wiiw Research Report No. 426, December 2017
49 pages including 41 Tables and 12 Figures
Online Annex – Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions: Annex I – Country Case Studies
Adam Brown, Ben Gardiner, Roman Römisch and Jonathan Stenning
wiiw Research Report No. 425, December 2017
129 pages including 3 Tables and 168 Figures
Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions IV: Case Studies
Ruggero Fornoni, Ben Gardiner, Lydia Greunz, Nirina Rabemiafara, Roman Römisch, Jonathan Stenning and Terry Ward
wiiw Research Report No. 424, December 2017
95 pages including 23 Tables and 74 Figures
Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions III: Recent Investment Trends and Needs
Stefan Jestl and Roman Römisch
wiiw Research Report No. 423, December 2017
91 pages including 19 Tables and 49 Figures
Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions II: Recent Structural Reforms, Outstanding Needs and Governance Issues
Ruggero Fornoni, Lydia Greunz, Nirina Rabemiafara, Roman Römisch and Terry Ward
wiiw Research Report No. 422, December 2017
151 pages including 77 Tables and 81 Figures
Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions I: Fiscal and Macroeconomic Environment
Adam Brown, Ben Gardiner, Roman Römisch and Jonathan Stenning
wiiw Research Report No. 421, December 2017
75 pages including 10 Tables and 62 Figures
International Trade in Western Balkan Countries: Analysis Based on the Gravity Model
Eniel Ninka and Engjell Pere
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 126, November 2017
Monthly Report No. 10/2017
Mahdi Ghodsi, Julia Grübler, Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Roman Römisch
wiiw Monthly Report No. 10, October 2017
48 pages including 4 Tables and 32 Figures
Macedonian Exports
Vladimir Gligorov
wiiw Research Report No. 420, October 2017
48 pages including 10 Tables and 40 Figures