wiiw Handbook of Statistics 2017: Central, East and Southeast Europe


Alexandra Bykova, Nadya Heger, Beate Muck, Renate Prasch, Monika Schwarzhappel, Galina Vasaros and David Zenz

wiiw Handbook of Statistics No. 2017, November 2017
334 pages including 248 Tables and 15 Maps

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The Handbook is published annually and contains revised, updated and expanded annual statistics.
Time series and related tables are extracted from the Annual and Foreign Direct Investment Databases maintained and regularly updated by wiiw.

The hardcopy includes a PDF on CD-ROM (with identical content as the hardcopy).

  • 22 CESEE countries covered in detail
  • Time series given for 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014-2016
  • Reliable and comparable data across countries

Features of the 2017 edition:

  • A quick reference tool for 22 countries with a broad range of economic indicators
  • Key indicators compiled for all countries allow for cross-country comparisons and comparisons with the EU, the USA and Japan at a glance
  • Wages by activities now also available for Kosovo
  • Data on national accounts ESA 2010 and balance of payments 6th edition now reported by all countries
  • Comparable structural breakdown (NACE Rev. 2) available for the majority of countries (Russia partly missing)


I. Cross-country overview

II. Indicators by country

III. Structural indicators

  • 1. Gross domestic product by activities
  • 2. Gross domestic product by expenditure
  • 3. Gross fixed capital formation by type and activities
  • 4. Employment by activities
  • 5. Average gross monthly wages by activities
  • 6. Foreign trade by partners
  • 7. Foreign trade by commodities
  • 8. FDI inward stock
  • 9. Balance of payments


Table of contents and sample tables/maps (PDF)


Related Publication
The Excel version contains:

  • data in Excel format both by indicator as well as by country
  • time series from 1990 - 2016

wiiw Handbook of Statistics 2017 - Excel tables


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw FDI Database

Countries covered: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine

ISBN-13: 978-3-85209-056-6