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Border Policies and Unauthorized Flows: Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Europe (Online event)

29  April 2021    4:00 pm CEST

Francesco Fasani, Queen Mary University of London

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This presentation is based on a paper co-authored with T. Frattini.

Francesco Fasani

In this paper, we first describe the size, composition and characteristics of the recent unauthorised migration flows through external European Union borders. We then assess the eff ectiveness of EU border enforcement policies in deterring or diverting migration flows across alternative routes. Our empirical analysis is based on a novel dataset of Frontex records on attempted illegal crossing by quarter, country of origin and route of entry in Europe for the period 2009-2017. These records arematched with a dataset - that we assembled - on the monthly EU budget spent on border enforcement and search and rescue operations on each route of entry. Our empirical analysis is threefold. First, we document the existence of a political cycle in enforcement spending at the external EU borders which is orthogonal to expected  ows. Second, we use this result as a first stage to deal with the endogeneity of border policies and retrieve the causal impact of enforcement on unauthorized flows. Third, we analyse the eff ect of outsourcing border controls to a non-EU transit country (the 2016 EU-Turkey deal) on deterrence and diversion of unauthorized flows.

The presentation, when available, will be posted online after the event.

Francesco Fasani is Associate Professor (Reader) at the School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary - University of London. He is a Research Affiliate at CEPR and a Research Fellow at CReAM and IZA.  His main research interests are in Labour Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, and Economics of Migration and of Crime. His research has been published in leading economics journals such as the Journal of European Economic Association, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations Review and Journal of Economic Geography. He has acted as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Organization for Migration and the World Bank.

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