Goran Vukšić

FORMER Economist

email: office@wiiw.ac.at
telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10

Goran Vuksic has been Economist at wiiw from 2018 to 2019. His main research areas were macroeconomics with focus on fiscal policy, international economics, and the transition economies of Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe. He led and participated in research projects on various topics, such as the effects of fiscal devaluation and of other tax reforms; foreign direct investment and trade; capital flight; finance and growth; regional development; employment and wage setting. Goran Vukšić obtained his doctoral degree at the University of Vienna in 2008.

Austria, Vienna

External Publications

Articles in refereed journals
  • 'Wage Bargaining Coordination, Taxation and Labor Costs: The Effects of Fiscal Devaluation' (with Mario Holzner and Maruška Vizek), Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 64, Issue 2, June 2022, pp. 324–349
  • 'Regional Economic Cooperation in the Western Balkans: The Role of Stabilization and Association Agreements, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements in Regional Investment and Trade Flows' (with Richard Grieveson and Mario Holzner), Eastern European Economics, Vol. 59, Issue 1, 23 December 2020, pp. 3-24
  • 'Composition of trade flows and the effectiveness of fiscal devaluation' (with Mario Holzner and Marina Tkalec), The World Economy, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2019, pp. 453-477
  • 'Fiscal devaluation and real exchange rates in the Euro area: Some econometric insights' (with Marina Tkalec and Maruška Vizek), Review of International Economics, 2019
  • 'Pre-Crisis Wage Leadership in Croatia in the Context of Export Competitiveness: Any Lessons for the Future?', Prague Economic Papers, Vol. 3, No. 27, 2018, 306–330
  • 'Fiscal devaluations: evidence using bilateral trade balance data' (with Mario Holzner, Marina Tkalec and Maruška Vizek), Review of World Economics, Vol. 154, No. 2, 2018, pp. 247–275
  • 'Trade and fiscal imbalances in Southeastern Europe: Can fiscal devaluation help?' (with Mario Holzner), Economic Systems, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2016, pp. 568–581
  • 'Effects of private ownership, trade and foreign direct investment on labor productivity growth in transition economies: Evidence from the Croatian manufacturing industry', Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2016, 322-335
  • 'Fixed-term employment during transition: The Croatian experience ' (with Vjekoslav Bratic), Eastern European Economics, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2014, 57-76
  • 'Employment and employment conditions in current economic crisis in Croatia', Financial Theory and Practice, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2014, 103-138
  • 'Capital Flight in the Presence of Domestic Borrowing: Evidence from Eastern European Economies' (with Josef C. Brada and Ali M. Kutan), World Development, Vol. 51, 2013, 32-46
  • 'Developing countries in competition for foreign investment', The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2013, 351-376
  • 'Komparativna analiza zaposlenosti i naknada za zaposlene u javnom sektoru u Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji (= International Comparison of Employment and Compensation of Employees in the Public Sector in Croatia and European Union)' (with Predrag Bejakovic and Vjekoslav Bratic), Društvena istraživanja, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2012, 101-119
  • 'The Costs of Moving Money across Borders and the Volume of Capital Flight: The Case of Russia and other CIS countries ' (with Josef C. Brada and Ali M. Kutan), Review of World Economics, Vol. 147, No. 4, 2011, 717-744
  • 'Veličina javnog sektora u Hrvatskoj (= Croatian and Comparative Public Administration)', Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2011, 99-125
  • 'Unrecorded capital flows and accumulation of foreign assets: The case of Croatia', Financial Theory and Practice, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2010, 1-23
  • 'Contribution of financial market segments at different stages of development: Transition, cohesion and mature economies compared' (with Gerhard Fink and Peter Haiss), Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2009, 431-455
  • 'Foreign Direct Investment and Export Performance: Empirical Evidence ' (with Ali M. Kutan), Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2007, 430-445
  • 'Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Croatian Manufacturing Exports', Financial Theory and Practice, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2005, 131-158
  • 'Bijeg kapitala iz Hrvatske: uzroci i opseg (= The flight of capital from Croatia: causes and extent)', Financial Theory and Practice, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2001, 459-485
Articles in books
  • 'What Helps Regions in Eastern Europe Catch Up? The Role of Foreign Investment, Human Capital and Geography' (with Gabriele Tondl), in: Frederic B. Jennings Jr., Adrian T. H. Kuah, Michael H. Stierle and Ulrike Stierle- von Schütz (eds), Regional Economic Policy in Europe. New Challenges for Theory, Empirics and Normative Interventions, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2008, pp. 45-74
  • 'Catching up of Eastern European regions: The role of foreign investment, human resources and geography ' (with Gabriele Tondl), in: Alberto Martin Diaz Cafferata, Roland Eisen and Angel Enrique Neder (eds), Trade, Integration and Institutional Reforms in Latin America and the EU, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Wien u.a., 2007, pp. 65-90
  • 'Importance of Financial Sectors for Growth in Accession Countries' (with Gerhard Fink and Peter Haiss), in: Nirbachita Karmakar and Asis Kumar Pain (eds), Financial Sector and Economic Growth. The Linkage, The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, 2007, pp. 158-193
  • 'Importance of Financial Sectors for Growth in Accession Countries' (with Gerhard Fink and Peter Haiss), in: Josef Christl, Klaus Liebscher, Peter Mooslechner and Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald (eds), Financial Development, Integration and Stability – Evidence from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2006, pp. 154-185
Shorter papers and comments
  • 'Employment in the Public Sector: International Comparisons', Newsletter, Institute of Public Finance Zagreb, No 51, August 2010
  • 'Models for Funding Measures for Economic Recovery and Development in Croatia', Press Release, Institute of Public Finance Zagreb, No 18, February 2010
  • 'Croatian Balance of Payments: Implications of Net Errors and Omissions for Economic ', Newsletter, Institute of Public Finance Zagreb, No 41, May 2009
  • 'Die Entwicklungstrends auf dem kroatischen Kapitalmarkt', Blickpunkt Kroatien, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, No 3, October 2008
Other working papers and discussion series
  • 'Pushing on a String? An evaluation of regional economic cooperation in the Western Balkans' (with Richard Grieveson, Mario Holzner, Isilda Mara and David Pichler), Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.), 2020

wiiw Publications

wiiw Forecast Reports
  • 'BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Once again politics impede stronger growth', Moving Into the Slow Lane, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2019, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 67-70
  • 'MONTENEGRO: Gradual growth deceleration expected', Moving Into the Slow Lane, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2019, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 112-115
wiiw Monthly Reports
  • 'Bosnia and Herzegovina: Some positive economic signals despite political stalemate', Monthly Report No. 6/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2019, p. 5
  • 'Montenegro: Impressive surge in employment', Monthly Report No. 6/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2019, p. 16
  • 'What can be expected from the Strategy for the adoption of the euro in Croatia?', Monthly Report No. 12/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2018, pp. 2-4
wiiw Research Reports
  • 'Regional Economic Cooperation in the Western Balkans: The Role of Stabilisation and Association Agreements, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements in Regional Investment and Trade Flows' (with Richard Grieveson and Mario Holzner), wiiw Research Report, No. 450, Vienna, September 2020
wiiw Working Papers
  • 'How do Corporate Taxes affect International Trade?' (with Mario Holzner and Branimir Jovanović), wiiw Working Paper, No. 212, Vienna, November 2021
  • 'Labour Taxes and International Trade: The Role of Domestic Labour Value Added' (with Amat Adarov, Mario Holzner and Branimir Jovanović), wiiw Working Paper, No. 205, Vienna, August 2021
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers
  • 'Sectoral wage dynamics and intersectoral linkages in the context of export competitiveness: the case of Croatia', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 99, Vienna, November 2012
wiiw Opinion Pieces
  • 'Croatian euro accession: still some way to go', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, February 2019
