Labour Market Inequalities in Times of Structural Change

Client/Funding Institution

Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank


The project addresses a number of crucial challenges faced by European labour markets at this testing time, when there is a major structural shift in job characteristics, task composition, the required skill sets of workers and, consequently, labour-market equality and efficiency. Different socio-demographic groups are adjusting to the imminent shift at varying speeds, depending on their skills and competencies, the specific job tasks they fulfil, their preferences for certain job characteristics, and the diverse obstacles, extent of discrimination and inequalities they face on the labour market. This project aims to analyse how the structural shift in the task composition of jobs, the job skill demands and the skill profiles of workers, as well as the labour-market challenges presented by the war, impact on inequalities across socio-demographic groups (men/women, immigrants/natives, younger/older workers) in a number of core labour-market outcomes.

Funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Project No. 18934).


April 2024 - September 2026

wiiw team Leader

Maryna Tverdostup

wiiw Staff

Birgit Buschbom, Sebastian Leitner, Stella Sophie Zilian

Countries covered: Austria, EU

Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution
