Maryna Tverdostup
telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10-34
Maryna Tverdostup is Economist at wiiw and a country expert for Estonia. Her research interests cover diverse labour-market issues, including gender inequalities, labour mobility, immigrants’ integration and skills disparities. Her research also focuses on experimental analysis and game-theoretic modelling of markets with asymmetric information, as well microsimulation analysis. In her research, she has worked with various empirical data, including Austrian, Finnish and Estonian register-based data, EU survey data, and primary experimental data. She has been involved as a researcher or a PI in the EU framework, EU Commission, Interreg Europe projects, as well as projects funded by the Austrian Research Foundation and the Austrian National Bank. She holds a Ph.D. in economics and M.Sc. in financial mathematics from the University of Tartu, Estonia. Previously she worked as a postdoc at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, a research fellow and lecturer at the University of Tartu, Estonia, and a visiting researcher at Aalto University, Finland.
List of Publications
External Publications wiiw PublicationsExternal Publications
Articles in refereed journals- 'COVID-19 and Gender Gaps in Employment, Wages, and Work Hours: Lower Inequalities and Higher Motherhood Penalty', Comparative Economic Studies, Volume 65, December 2023, pp. 713–735
- 'The Gap that Survived the Transition: The Gender Wage Gap over Three Decades in Estonia ' (with Jaanika Meriküll), Elsevier, Economic Systems, Volume 47, Issue 3, September 2023
- 'Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: assessment of the humanitarian, economic, and financial impact in the short and medium term' (with Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Mario Holzner, Artem Kochnev, Michael Landesmann, Olga Pindyuk and Robert Stehrer), International Economics and Economic Policy, June 2022
- 'What Can Support Cross-Border Cooperation in the Blue Economy? Lessons from Blue Sector Performance Analysis in Estonia and Finland' (with Mariia Chebotareva and Tiiu Paas), in: Rui Alexandre Castanho, Joanna Kurowska-Pysz and Luís Carlos Loures (eds), MDPI, Volume 14, Issue 3, February 2022
- 'Gender disparities in wage returns to human capital components: how different are European labour markets?' (with Tiiu Paas), Baltic Journal of Economics, Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2022, pp. 28-48
- 'Gender Identity, Coworking Spouses, and Relative Income within Households' (with Natalia Zinovyeva), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 13, No. 4, October 2021, pp. 258-284
- 'Immigrant–native wage gap in Europe: the role of cognitive skills and their use at work' (with Tiiu Paas), International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 40, No. 1, April 2019, pp. 154-175
- 'Skills heterogeneity and immigrant-native wage gap in European countries' (with Tiiu Paas), International Journal of Economic Sciences, Vol. VII, No. 2, 2018, pp. 119-142
- 'Gender-specific human capital: identification and quantifying its wage effects' (with Tiiu Paas), International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 38, No. 6, September 2017, pp. 856-874
- 'The Labour Market Performance of Young Return Migrants after the Crisis in CEE Countries: The Case of Estonia' (with Jaan Masso), Baltic Journal of Economics, Vol. 16, Issue 2, October 2016, pp. 192-220
- 'The Gender Wage Gap in the Human Capital Framework: A Cross-Nordic Assessment Based on PIAAC' (with Tiiu Paas), Estonia Discussions on Economic Policy, Vol. 24, No. 2, October 2016, pp. 137-160
- 'Economic Reconstruction of Ukraine' (with Artem Kochnev, Michael Landesmann and Olga Pindyuk), in: László Mátyás (eds), Central and Eastern European Economies and the War in Ukraine: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Chapter 10, Springer Cham, July 2024, pp. 317-372
- 'The General and the Task-Specific Human Capital of Migrants: Host Country Perspective' (with Tiiu Paas), in: Karima Kourtit, Bruce Newbold, Peter Nijkamp and Mark Partridge (eds), The Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration, Chapter 16, Springer International Publishing, 2021
- 'Skills utilisation and gender: Estonian case study', in: Michał Pilc and Beata Woźniak-Jęchorek (eds), Labour Market Institutions and Productivity: Labour Utilisation in Central and Eastern Europe, Chapter 7, Routledge, London, 26 October 2020
- 'What are the employment prospects for young Estonian and Slovak return migrants?' (with Jaan Masso, Lucia Mýtna Kureková and Zuzana Žilinčíková), in: Janine Leschke, Renate Ortlieb, Jacqueline O’Reilly, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser and Paola Villa (eds), Youth Labor in Transition: Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe, Chapter 16, Oxford Scholarship Online, January 2019
- 'Labour Market Inequalities in Conditions of Limited Social Dialogue: The Case of the Baltic States' (with Jaan Masso), in: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead (eds), Reducing Inequalities in Europe: How Industrial Relations and Labour Policies Can Close the Gap, Chapter 2, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
- 'Return Migration to CEE after the crisis: Estonia and Slovakia' (with Jaan Masso, Lucia Mýtna Kureková and Zuzana Žilinčíková), in: Clémentine Moyart, Tiziana Nazio, Jacqueline O’Reilly and Mark Smith (eds), Youth Employment: STYLE Handbook, CROME, Brighton, UK, 2017, pp. 167–169
- 'Young People Who Have Worked Abroad and Their Success in the Labour Market' (with Jaan Masso), in: Raul Eamets, Kristina Kallas and Tiit Tammaru (eds), Estonian Human Development Report 2016/2017: Estonia at the Age of Migration, Chapter 2.4, Estonian Cooperation Assembly, Tallinn: SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu, 2017
- 'Ukraine’s reconstruction in the context of EU accession' (with Richard Grieveson, Michael Landesmann and Olga Pindyuk), AK Wien, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 50 (2), August 2024, pp. 45-86
- 'Österreich schafft es kaum, gut ausgebildete Flüchtlinge zu integrieren', DiePresse, 2. November 2022
- 'Impact of the Pandemic on Employment and Wages', ILO - International Labour Organization, 16 November 2021
- 'Spouses who work together - Evidence on relative income within households' (with Natalia Zinovyeva), VATT Institute for Economic Research, June 2021
- 'Serving consumers in an uncertain world: A credence goods experiment' (with Loukas Balafoutas, Helena Fornwagner, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Matthias Sutter), Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, MPI Discussion Papers, Working Paper, 2023/11, Bonn, October 2023
- 'The use of Cohesion Policy funds to support refugees from Ukraine' (with Chiara Castelli, Grzegorz Gorzelak, Kristjan Kaldur, Maria Khrapunenko, Ambre Maucorps, Bernhard Moshammer, Olga Pindyuk and Zuzana Zavarská), European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Research for REGI Committee, May 2023
- 'Industrial Policy for a New Growth Model: A Toolbox for EU-CEE Countries' (with Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Richard Grieveson, Maciej J. Grodzicki, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Bernhard Moshammer, Ondřej Sankot, Bernd Christoph Ströhm and Zuzana Zavarská), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Study, April 2023
- 'Personalized Total Cost of Ownership and Rational Car Choice: Evidence from Online Field Experiment' (with Ergo Themas), University of Tartu, School of Economics and Business Administraion, Working Paper, No. 132, 2021
- 'The gap that survived the transition: the gender wage gap over three decades in Estonia' (with Jaanika Meriküll), Working Papers of Eesti Pank, No. 4, 2021
- 'The gap that survived the transition: the gender wage gap over three decades in Estonia' (with Jaanika Meriküll), University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper Series, No. 127, Tartu, 2020
- 'Diagnostic Uncertainty and Insurance Coverage in Credence Goods Markets' (with Loukas Balafoutas, Helena Fornwagner, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Matthias Sutter), Discussion Papers of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods 2020/26, November 2020
- 'Diagnostic Uncertainty and Insurance Coverage in Credence Goods Markets' (with Loukas Balafoutas, Helena Fornwagner, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Matthias Sutter), MPI Collective Goods Discussion Paper, No. 2020/26, November 2020
- 'Economic performance analysis of selected blue economy sectors in Estonia and Finland' (with Tiiu Paas), University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper Series, No. 115, Tartu, 2019
- 'Valuation of Human Capital and the Gender Wage Gap in Europe' (with Tiiu Paas), University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper Series, No. 118, Tartu, 2019
- 'Gender Identity, Co-Working Spouses and Relative Income within Households' (with Natalia Zinovyeva), IZA Institute of Labor Economics, IZA Discussion Papers, IZA DP No. 11757, Tartu, August 2018
- 'The The Role of Cognitive Skills and their Use at Work in Explaining the Immigrant-Native Wage Gap' (with Tiiu Paas), University of Tartu - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper Series, No. 104, Tartu, 2017
- 'Human Capital in Nordic Countries and Estonia: PIAAC based assessment' (with Tiiu Paas), Baltic Rim Economies, No. 1, 2017, pp. 56-57
- 'Gender Unique Human Capital and Labour Market Returns' (with Tiiu Paas), DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting, 2017, pp. 332-345
- 'The Gender Wage Gap in the Human Capital Framework: A Cross-Nordic Assessment Based on PIAAC' (with Tiiu Paas), Estonian Discussions on Economic Policy, Vol. 24, No. 2/2016, 2016, pp. 56-61
- 'Policy Synthesis and Integrative Report on Youth Self-Employment in Europe' (with Beata Buchelt, Begoña Cueto, Anna Fohrbeck, María C. González Menéndez, Robin Hinks, Eneli Kindsiko, Jaan Masso, Andrea Mc Namara, Nigel Meager, Renate Ortlieb, Kadri Paes, Urban Pauli, Aleksy Pocztowski, Maura Sheehan, Sam Swift and Silvana Weiss), CROME, University of Brighton, STYLE Working Papers, STYLE-WP 7.4, Brighton, August 2016
- 'Return migration patterns of young return migrants after the crisis in the CEE countries: Estonia and Slovakia' (with Jaan Masso, Lucia Mýtna Kureková and Zuzana Žilinčíková), CROME, University of Brighton, STYLE Working Papers, STYLE-WP 7.1, Brighton, February 2016
- 'The Labour Market Performance of Young Return Migrants after the Crisis in CEE Countries: The Case of Estonia' (with Jaan Masso), The University of Tartu Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper, No. 98, December 2015
- 'Mapping Patterns of Self-Employment: Secondary Analysis Synthesis Report' (with Beata Buchelt, Begoña Cueto, Anna Fohrbeck, María C. González Menéndez, Robin Hinks, Jaan Masso, Andrea Mc Namara, Nigel Meager, Renate Ortlieb, Urban Pauli, Aleksy Pocztowski, Maura Sheehan and Silvana Weiss), CROME, University of Brighton, STYLE Working Papers, STYLE-WP 7.2, Brighton, December 2015
wiiw Publications
wiiw Forecast Reports- 'ESTONIA: On the verge of economic recovery… finally', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), External weakness dampening robust consumer-driven growth, wiiw Forecast Report, No. October 2024, Vienna, October 2024, pp. 70-73
- 'ESTONIA: Over the worst', The Crisis is Over, but its Scarring Effects are Hindering Recovery, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2024, Vienna, April 2024, pp. 70-73
- 'ESTONIA: No swift economic recovery on the cards', Beneath the Veneer of Calm, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2023, Vienna, October 2023, pp. 72-75
- 'ESTONIA: A momentary dip, rather than recession', Sailing Through Rough Waters, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2023, Vienna, April 2023, pp. 60-63
- 'ESTONIA: Restraining inflation as a test for resilience', Bracing for the Winter, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2022, Vienna, October 2022, pp. 84-87
- 'ESTONIA: Heading into the unknown', Overshadowed by War and Sanctions, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2022, Vienna, April 2022, pp. 61-64
- 'ESTONIA: Full-speed growth riding on massive investment', Recovery Beating Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2021, Vienna, October 2021, pp. 54-58
- 'ESTONIA: The second wave has put the brakes on economic recovery', Darkest before the dawn?, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2021, Vienna, April 2021, pp. 68-72
- 'Estonia: Economic recovery firming', in: Vasily Astrov and Richard Grieveson (eds), Monthly Report No. 1/2025, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2025, p. 40
- 'Estonia: On the verge of growth', in: Vasily Astrov, Richard Grieveson, Branimir Jovanović and Zuzana Zavarská (eds), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July-August 2024, p. 35
- 'Welfare convergence or social dispersion? The socio-demographic developments of the EU-CEE countries' (with Sebastian Leitner), in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 04/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2024, pp. 21-30
- 'Job loss and labour-market transitions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria' (with Stefan Jestl), in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 3/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2024, pp. 18-25
- 'Estonia: Recession lingers on', in: Vasily Astrov and Richard Grieveson (eds), Monthly Report No. 1/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2024, p. 40
- 'Estonia: Pressures on competitiveness mount', in: Vasily Astrov and Richard Grieveson (eds), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2023, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July-August 2023, p. 41
- 'Chart of the month: Ukrainian refugees in the Austrian labour market', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 4/2023, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2023, pp. 7-9
- 'Estonia: Combating the effects of the energy crisis', in: Vasily Astrov and Richard Grieveson (eds), Monthly Report No. 1/2023, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2023, p. 34
- 'Estonia: Clouds are gathering as autumn approaches', in: Vasily Astrov and Richard Grieveson (eds), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2022, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July-August 2022, p. 40
- 'Opinion Corner: Ukrainian refugees – will they stay in the EU long-term?', in: Vasily Astrov and Mario Holzner (eds), Monthly Report No. 04/2022, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2022, pp. 8-10
- 'Estonia: Growth approaching the limits', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 1/2022, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2022, p. 48
- 'Estonia: Sprinting to recovery', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2021, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July-August 2021, p. 32
- 'Toward Innovation-driven Growth: Innovation Systems and Policies in EU Member States of Central Eastern Europe' (with Alexandra Bykova, Viktrória Döme, Richard Grieveson, Francesca Guadagno, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Nadya Heger, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Jan Muś, Magdolna Sass, Bernd Christoph Ströhm, Andrea Szalavetz and Zuzana Zavarská), wiiw Research Report, No. 476, Vienna, September 2024
- 'Industrial Policy for a New Growth Model: A Toolbox for EU-CEE Countries' (with Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Richard Grieveson, Maciej J. Grodzicki, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Bernhard Moshammer, Ondřej Sankot, Bernd Christoph Ströhm and Zuzana Zavarská), wiiw Research Report, No. 469, Vienna, July 2023
- 'On Within-couple Time Allocation: Gendered Disparities in Paid Work and Housework in Europe' (with Alireza Sabouniha), wiiw Working Paper, No. 250, Vienna, June 2024
- 'The Path Through: Early COVID-19 Job Loss and Labour Market Trajectories in Austria' (with Stefan Jestl), wiiw Working Paper, No. 246, Vienna, May 2024
- 'The Labour Market Entry and Integration of Refugees and Other Migrants in Austria' (with Stefan Jestl), wiiw Working Paper, No. 231, Vienna, November 2023
- 'Demography, Capital Accumulation and Growth' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 222, Vienna, October 2022
- 'The Gap that Survived the Transition: The Gender Wage Gap over Three Decades in Estonia' (with Jaanika Meriküll), wiiw Working Paper, No. 206, Vienna, August 2021
- 'Gender Gaps in Employment, Wages, and Work Hours: Assessment of COVID-19 Implications', wiiw Working Paper, No. 202, Vienna, June 2021
- 'Shifting Patterns of Migration in Europe: New Source Countries, Old Challenges', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 78, Vienna, June 2024
- 'wiiw Studies on the Integration of Middle Eastern Refugees in Austria, Based on FIMAS Surveys and Register-based Labour Market Career Data' (with Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Sandra M. Leitner and Isilda Mara), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 74, Vienna, December 2023
- 'The Demographic Challenges to Ukraine’s Economic Reconstruction', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 71, Vienna, July 2023
- 'Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Assessment of the Humanitarian, Economic and Financial Impact in the Short and Medium Term' (with Vasily Astrov, Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Mario Holzner, Artem Kochnev, Michael Landesmann, Olga Pindyuk and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 59, Vienna, April 2022
- 'How successful is the labour-market integration of refugees in Austria?' (with Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Sandra M. Leitner, Sebastian Leitner and Isilda Mara), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, December 2023
- 'Labour markets in Eastern Europe recovered in 2021' (with Alexandra Bykova), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2022
- 'The uneven effect of the pandemic on CESEE labour markets' (with Alexandra Bykova), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, October 2021