Monthly Report No. 2/2018


Richard Grieveson, Michael Landesmann, Isilda Mara and Roman Stöllinger

wiiw Monthly Report No. 2, February 2018
52 pages including 4 Table and 32 Figures

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  • Graph of the month: Share of intra-EU-28 and extra-EU-28 working-age migrants in total working-age population, in %, 2016 (p. 1)
  • Opinion corner: Why does the computer bug Spectre also reveal major economic bugs? (by Roman Stöllinger, pp. 2‑6)
  • ‘Competition for talent’: high-skilled intra- and extra-EU‑28 mobility (by Michael Landesmann and Isilda Mara; pp. 7-15)
  • Immigration and Brexit (by Richard Grieveson; pp. 16-21)
  • Massive youth unemployment in the Western Balkans: Do remittances matter? (by Isilda Mara; pp. 22-27)
  • The editors recommend for further reading (p. 28)
  • Statistical Annex: Monthly and quarterly statistics for Central, East and Southeast Europe (pp. 29‑50)
  • Index of subjects (pp. 51‑52)


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: migration, computer bug, global competition, market dominance, trade, trade liberalisation, skills, mobility, immigration, Brexit

Countries covered: EU28, European Union, Japan, OECD, SEE, United Kindom

Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, Sectoral studies
