Monthly Report No. 5/2015


Julia Grübler, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Roman Römisch and Hermine Vidovic

wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2015
43 pages including 1 Table and 33 Figures

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  • Graph of the month: GDP and railways in Europe: historical data (p. 1)
  • Opinion corner: What are Slovak and Slovene reservations against the Greek bailout? (by Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Hermine Vidovic; pp. 2-3)
  • Regional heterogeneity in the Danube Region (by Roman Römisch; pp. 4-9)
  • Trade integration along the river Danube (by Julia Grübler; pp. 10-13)
  • Labour market and migration in the Danube Region (by Hermine Vidovic; pp. 14-18)
  • Recommended reading (p. 19)
  • Statistical Annex: Monthly and quarterly statistics for Central, East and Southeast Europe (pp. 20-41)


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: GDP, railways, Greek bailout, Eurozone, Danube region, regional heterogeneity, foreign trade, regional integration, labour market, migration

Countries covered: European Union, Greece, SEE, Slovakia, Slovenia, Wider Europe, NMS

Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Regional Development
