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Found: 25

Projects: contains »cohesion« (25 projects found)

The Future of Cohesion: Effects of the Twin Transition on Disparities in European Regions

Client: Bertelsmann Stiftung
Duration: May 2022 - October 2022

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Effects, opportunity costs and spillovers of EU Cohesion Policy

Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: September 2018 - June 2020

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Analysis of the main territorial challenges, needs and transnational cooperation potentials and strategy building for the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 Programme

Client: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE
Duration: July 2019 - March 2020

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Externalities of Cohesion Policy

Client: European Parliament
Duration: January 2018 - October 2018

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Austria’s Economic Competitiveness in a Neighbourhood Context

Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: August 2016 - July 2018

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Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union (I3U)

Client: European Commission, Horizon 2020
Duration: March 2015 - February 2018

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Impact assessment related to the future development of Cohesion Policy and the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds)

Client: European Commission, DG Regional Policy
Duration: March 2014 - February 2017

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Studies assessing the impact of other European Union policies on economic, social and territorial cohesion

Client: European Commission, DG Regional Policy
Duration: March 2014 - February 2017

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Establishment of consolidated financial data 1989-2013

Client: European Commission, DG Regional Policy
Duration: December 2015 - September 2016

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Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Mittelost-/Südosteuropa und dem Donauraum mit Relevanz für Raumentwicklung in Österreich

Client: Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria
Duration: September 2015 - May 2016

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