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Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union (I3U)
Client/Funding Institution
European Commission, Horizon 2020
Innovation has been placed at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy aimed at coping with major structural changes, the increase of global competition and the current crisis, and at tackling major societal challenges such as climate change, energy and resource scarcity, health and ageing. The Innovation Union has the main objective to strengthen the European innovative potential; it sets 13 general objectives and 34 specific (policy) commitments associated with the objectives, aimed at stimulating innovation. The objective of this project is to deliver a system of assessment for the commitments. The approach starts from the evaluation of the state of achievement of the individual commitments, but puts crucial emphasis on their effects on the innovation system as a whole, as well as on the economy-wide effects of innovation. The basic idea is to retrace the entire chain of effects of the commitments, from their implementation to their final impact in terms of competitiveness, growth and employment. wiiw is responsible for the evaluation of seven IU committments having been agreed in the areas of EU patents, eco-innovation, social and territorial cohesion, social innovation, innovation partnerships and international talents.
March 2015 - February 2018
wiiw team Leader
wiiw Staff
Sandor Richter, Roman Römisch, Robert Stehrer, Hermine Vidovic
Project Partners
Keywords: innovation policy assessment, integrated policy assessment, innovation systems analysis, econometric simulation models, Innovation Union, European competitiveness
Countries covered: EU28, European Union
Research Areas: Sectoral studies