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Projects: contains »policy« (195 projects found)

How to Stabilize the Economy of Ukraine and Put it on a Sustainable Growth Trajectory

Client: United Europe e.V.
Duration: December 2014 - June 2015

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Growth-Innovation-Competitiveness: fostering cohesion in Central and East Europe (GRINCOH)

Client: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme
Duration: April 2012 - March 2015

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The future development of EU industry in a global context

Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: December 2014 - March 2015

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Knowledge-Based Regional Development in Albania and Kosovo - Reducing social and economic disparities through social and economic innovation

Client: Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI)
Duration: January 2014 - September 2014

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Impact Quantification of Global Changes - Global-IQ

Client: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme
Duration: August 2011 - July 2014

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International conference 'The 2004 EU Enlargement − Ten Years After: Achievements and Next Steps'

Client: Austrian Ministry of Finance
Duration: June 2014 - June 2014

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Framework contract to provide economic analysis in support of trade negotiations and policy issues

Client: European Commission, DG Trade
Duration: April 2011 - April 2014

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OECD Workshop 'Risk to fiscal rules'

Client: OECD
Duration: December 2013 - March 2014

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European Job Mobility Laboratory

Client: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Duration: January 2010 - January 2014

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Balance of payments constrained growth: Thirlwall’s Law extended

Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: July 2012 - December 2013

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