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Falling Behind and Catching Up in Southeast Europe (GDN)
Client/Funding Institution
Oesterreichische Nationalbank/Austrian Ministry of Finance
Southeast Europe holds a long record of being one of Europe’s least developed regions. Sporadic growth spurts are regularly followed by strong fall-backs. Neither firms, nor banks or states were able to make broad industrialization happen in a sustainable way. The proposed research analysed the determinants and effects of backwardness in Southeast Europe. The analysis included inter alia issues of long-run development, industrialization, infrastructure, the role of cities, migration, state building and financial crisis. The results yielded important policy recommendations.
January 2014 - May 2017
wiiw team Leader
wiiw Staff
Vladimir Gligorov, Mario Holzner, Veronika Janyrova, Sandra M. Leitner, Isilda Mara, Roman Römisch
- The Transfer and Adjustment Problems in the Balkans
- Massive Migration and its Effect on Human Capital and Growth: The Case of Western Balkan and Central and Eastern European Countries
- Backwardness, Industrialisation and Economic Development in Europe
- A Narrative Explanation of Breakpoints and Convergence Patterns in Yugoslavia and its Successor States 1952-2015
- Introducing Railway Time in the Balkans: Economic effects of railway construction in Southeast Europe and beyond since the early 19th century until present days
- Corruption Risk and Legitimacy in Outsourced Public Service Provision: Evidence from Serbia
- A quantitative explanation of the low productivity in South-Eastern European economies: the role of misallocations
- Regional Patterns of Deindustrialization and Prospects for Reindustrialization in South and Central East European Countries
- Estimating agglomeration in the EU and the Western Balkan regions
- Tariff-induced (de)industrialization in transition economies: A comparative analysis
- Firm growth and financing constraints in the NMS-10 and the Western Balkan countries – a comparative analysis
- The Role of Banks in Economic Development in the Former SFR Yugoslavia
- The Effects of Highway Construction in the Balkans: Insights from the Via Militaris
- Legitimacy: Yugoslav Lessons for Ukraine
External Publications
Keywords: labour market, migration, economic policy, european integration, macroeconomic analysis, industrial organisation, manufacturing, regional development
Countries covered: Albania, Balkan States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, SEE, Serbia, Turkey
Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, Regional Development, Sectoral studies