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Projects: contains »investment« (68 projects found)
Connectivity and interactions between global value chains and foreign direct investment networks
Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: May 2020 - July 2021
Nearshoring Potential in the Western Balkans
Client: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
Duration: August 2020 - May 2021
What effects do corporate taxes have on economic growth and employment?
Client: Hans Böckler Stiftung
Duration: August 2020 - February 2021
Western Balkan Regional Cooperation
Client: Bertelsmann Stiftung
Duration: June 2018 - July 2020
Evaluation services in the field of trade (Framework Contract)
Client: European Commission, DG Trade
Duration: July 2018 - July 2020
Support the RCC Secretariat to prepare a diagnostic report to analyse the progress and conduct an evaluation of results related to the Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in the Western Balkans
Client: Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
Duration: March 2020 - July 2020
Effects, opportunity costs and spillovers of EU Cohesion Policy
Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: September 2018 - June 2020
Capital dynamics, global value chains and competitiveness (CaDoVaC)
Client: Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Duration: October 2018 - April 2020
Analysis of the main territorial challenges, needs and transnational cooperation potentials and strategy building for the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 Programme
Client: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE
Duration: July 2019 - March 2020
Wanted! Free Trade Agreements in the Service of Environmental and Climate Protection
Client: Austrian Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
Duration: October 2019 - March 2020