Publications: contains »education« (99 publications found)
Determinants and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Austria: Spillovers to Novel Innovative Environmental Technologies
Mahdi Ghodsi and Branimir Jovanović
wiiw Working Paper No. 221, October 2022
77 pages including 29 Tables and 26 Figures
The Impact of ICT and Intangible Capital Accumulation on Labour Demand Growth and Functional Income Shares
Robert Stehrer
wiiw Working Paper No. 218, July 2022
41 pages including 20 Tables and 3 Figures
Global Value Chains in the Post-pandemic World: How can the Western Balkans Foster the Potential of Nearshoring?
Zuzana Zavarská
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 58, March 2022
32 pages including 4 Tables and 17 Figures
Österreichs Gemeinden im Kontext der Covid-19-Krise: Finanzausgleich bei steigenden Investitionsbedarfen und sinkenden Einnahmen
Philipp Heimberger
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 20, February 2022
55 pages including 2 Tables and 24 Figures
The Covid Crisis: Occupational Impacts in EU Economies and Policy Suggestions
Georg Fischer and Michael Landesmann
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 53, November 2021
36 pages including 12 Tables and 5 Figures
Problematik der Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten in Österreich in Zeiten der Coronakrise - Sonderauswertung des FIMAS Flüchtlingspanels
Michael Landesmann and Sandra M. Leitner
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 19, November 2021
46 pages including 6 Tables and 6 Figures
To Grow or Not to Grow: Belarus and Lithuania
Thorvaldur Gylfason and Eduard Hochreiter
wiiw Research Report No. 455, September 2021
38 pages including 1 Table and 15 Charts
The Gap that Survived the Transition: The Gender Wage Gap over Three Decades in Estonia
Jaanika Meriküll and Maryna Tverdostup
wiiw Working Paper No. 206, August 2021
40 pages including 4 Tables and 7 Figures
Public Services and Liveability in European Cities in Comparison
Mario Holzner and Roman Römisch
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 52, August 2021
18 pages including 2 Tables and 6 Figures
Gender Gaps in Employment, Wages, and Work Hours: Assessment of COVID-19 Implications
Maryna Tverdostup
wiiw Working Paper No. 202, June 2021
39 pages including 1 Table and 17 Figures