Publications: contains »competitiveness« (554 publications found)
The Transfer and Adjustment Problems in the Balkans
Vladimir Gligorov
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 125, November 2016
Has Trade Been Driving Global Economic Growth?
Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Working Paper No. 131, October 2016
30 pages including 6 Tables and 12 Figures
Monthly Report No. 10/2016
Stephan Barisitz, Mahdi Ghodsi, Peter Havlik and Waltraut Urban
wiiw Monthly Report No. 10, October 2016
47 pages including 1 Table, 24 Figures and 3 Maps
Monthly Report No. 9/2016
Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Mario Holzner, Michael Landesmann and Roman Römisch
wiiw Monthly Report No. 9, September 2016
43 pages including 31 Figures
Estimating Importer-Specific Ad Valorem Equivalents of Non-Tariff Measures
Mahdi Ghodsi, Julia Grübler and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Working Paper No. 129, September 2016
48 pages including 13 Tables and 10 Figures
Structural Change and Global Value Chains in the EU
Roman Stöllinger
wiiw Working Paper No. 127, July 2016
28 pages including 3 Tables and 5 Figures
Identifying Revealed Comparative Advantages in an EU Regional Context
Alexander Cordes, Birgit Gehrke, Christian Rammer, Roman Römisch, Paula Schliessler and Pia Wassmann
wiiw Research Report No. 412, July 2016
174 pages including 37 Tables and 36 Figures
Bescheidener Aufschwung im Osten – Bremsklotz EU-Fiskalregeln
Mario Holzner
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 4, June 2016
84 pages including 104 Tables and 22 Figures
Improving Competitiveness in the Balkan Region – Opportunities and Limits
Hubert Gabrisch, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Mario Holzner, Michael Landesmann, Johannes Pöschl and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Research Report No. 411, June 2016
146 pages including 16 Tables and 103 Figures
Policy Options for Competitiveness and Economic Development in the Western Balkans: the Case for Infrastructure Investment
Mario Holzner
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 16, June 2016
14 pages including 9 Figures