Publications: contains »competitiveness« (553 publications found)
Comparative Advantages in the Digital Era – A Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Approach
Dario Guarascio and Roman Stöllinger
wiiw Working Paper No. 217, July 2022
37 pages including 9 Tables and 6 Figures
Comparing Scenarios for a European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Trade, FDI and Welfare Effects with a Focus on the Austrian Economy
Niko Korpar, Mario Larch and Roman Stöllinger
wiiw Research Report No. 460, July 2022
96 pages including 15 Tables and 8 Figures
Monthly Report No. 06/2022
Dario Guarascio, Philipp Heimberger, Ambre Maucorps, Bernhard Moshammer and Roman Stöllinger
wiiw Monthly Report No. 6, June 2022
50 pages including 3 Tables and 29 Figures
The long way round: Lessons from EU-CEE for improving integration and development in the Western Balkans
Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Mario Holzner, Branimir Jovanović, Stefani Weiss and Zuzana Zavarská
Joint Study No. 2022-06, June 2022
53 pages including 13 Tables and 24 Figures
Monthly Report No. 5/2022 - FDI in Central, East and Southeast Europe
Alexandra Bykova and Olga Pindyuk
wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2022
50 pages including 5 Tables and 33 Figures
Monthly Report No. 04/2022
Isilda Mara, Leon Podkaminer, Oliver Reiter and Maryna Tverdostup
wiiw Monthly Report No. 4, April 2022
48 pages including 5 Tables and 27 Figures
Overshadowed by War and Sanctions
Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Selena Duraković, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Branimir Jovanović, Artem Kochnev, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Bernhard Moshammer, Olga Pindyuk, Sandor Richter, Bernd Christoph Ströhm, Maryna Tverdostup, Nina Vujanović, Zuzana Zavarská and Adam Żurawski
wiiw Forecast Report No. Spring 2022, April 2022
151 pages including 32 Tables, and 46 Figures
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Assessment of the Humanitarian, Economic and Financial Impact in the Short and Medium Term
Vasily Astrov, Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Mario Holzner, Artem Kochnev, Michael Landesmann, Olga Pindyuk, Robert Stehrer and Maryna Tverdostup
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 59, April 2022
67 pages including 8 Tables and 26 Figures
Monthly Report No. 03/2022
Vasily Astrov, Vladislav L. Inozemtsev and Nina Vujanović
wiiw Monthly Report No. 3, March 2022
47 pages including 1 Table and 29 Figures
Global Value Chains in the Post-pandemic World: How can the Western Balkans Foster the Potential of Nearshoring?
Zuzana Zavarská
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 58, March 2022
32 pages including 4 Tables and 17 Figures