All Publications
Monthly Report No. 10/2017
Mahdi Ghodsi, Julia Grübler, Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Roman Römisch
wiiw Monthly Report No. 10, October 2017
48 pages including 4 Tables and 32 Figures
Österreichs Staatsausgabenstrukturen im europäischen Vergleich
Philipp Heimberger
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 8, October 2017
75 pages including 15 Tables and 45 Figures
Macedonian Exports
Vladimir Gligorov
wiiw Research Report No. 420, October 2017
48 pages including 10 Tables and 40 Figures
Can’t Keep Up with the Joneses: How Relative Deprivation Pushes Internal Migration in Austria
Stefan Jestl, Mathias Moser and Anna Katharina Raggl
wiiw Working Paper No. 137, September 2017
26 pages including 7 Tables and 5 Figures
Is Europe Disintegrating? Macroeconomic Divergence, Structural Polarisation, Trade and Fragility
Claudius Gräbner, Philipp Heimberger, Jakob Kapeller and Bernhard Schütz
wiiw Working Paper No. 136, September 2017
22 pages including 1 Table and 6 Figures
Monthly Report No. 9/2017
Loredana Fattorini, Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Sandra M. Leitner and Armando Rungi
wiiw Monthly Report No. 9, September 2017
46 pages including 1 Table and 26 Figures
Wirtschaftliche Konvergenz trotz politischer Unsicherheit
Julia Grübler
wiiw Research Report in German language No. 7, June 2017
85 pages including 103 Tables and 17 Figures
Monthly Report No. 7-8/2017
Vasily Astrov, Rumen Dobrinsky, Vladimir Gligorov, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Monthly Report No. 7-8, August 2017
27 pages including 1 Table and 2 Figures
Challenges of DCFTAs: How can Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine succeed?
Amat Adarov and Peter Havlik
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 18, June 2017
10 pages including 2 Tables and 6 Figures
Monthly Report No. 6/2017
Vasily Astrov, Pëllumb Collaku, Mahdi Ghodsi and Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Monthly Report No. 6, June 2017
47 pages including 4 Tables and 21 Figures