Publications: contains »reform« (139 publications found)
Monthly Report No. 4/2010
K. Busch, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Susan Schadler
wiiw Monthly Report No. 4, April 2010
28 pages including 10 Tables
Monthly Report No. 5/2009
A. K. Koźmiński, Joanna Poznanska and Sandor Richter
wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2009
26 pages including 11 Tables
The Impact of the Flat Tax Reform on Inequality: The Case of Romania
Flaviu Mihaescu and Liviu Voinea
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 81, May 2009
Monthly Report No. 2/2009
Gabor Hunya, Michael Landesmann and Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Monthly Report No. 2, February 2009
34 pages including 12 Tables and 2 Figures
Earnings Inequality and the Informal Economy: Evidence from Serbia
Gorana Krstić and Peter Sanfey
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 75, December 2008
International Trade and Economic Diversification: Patterns and Policies in the Transition Economies
Michael Landesmann
wiiw Research Report No. 350, December 2008
87 including 17 Tables and 18 Figures
Economic Developments in the Wider Black Sea Region
Vasily Astrov and Peter Havlik
wiiw Research Report No. 349, September 2008
27 pages including 5 Tables and 1 Figure
Monthly Report No. 8-9/2008
Vasily Astrov, Peter Havlik, Milos Pick and Roman Römisch
wiiw Monthly Report No. 8-9, September 2008
36 pages including 11 Tables and 8 Figures
Facing the Monster 'Juste retour': On the Net Financial Position of Member States vis-à-vis the EU Budget and a Proposal for Reform
Sandor Richter
wiiw Research Report No. 348, May 2008
109 pages including 54 Tables and 2 Figures
Seeking New Ways of Financing the EU Budget: on the Proposal of a European Tax on Foreign Exchange Transactions
Sandor Richter
wiiw Research Report No. 345, January 2008
69 pages including 9 Tables and 4 Figures