Publications: contains »reform« (139 publications found)
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Central and Eastern Europe 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Vladimir Gligorov, Richard Grieveson, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Essays and Occasional Papers No. 4, November 2019
54 pages including 2 Tables and 29 Figures
Braced for Fallout from Global Slowdown
Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Vladimir Gligorov, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Forecast Report No. Autumn 2019, November 2019
146 pages including 39 Tables and 50 Figures
Holding Together what Belongs Together: A Strategy to Counteract Economic Polarisation in Europe
Claudius Gräbner, Philipp Heimberger and Jakob Kapeller
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 34, September 2019
7 pages including 3 Figures
Labour Market Trends in Visegrád Countries: Implications for Austria
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 33, September 2019
16 pages including 4 Tables and 11 Figures
Foreign Investments Mostly Robust Despite Global Downturn; Shift into Services. FDI in Central, East and Southeast Europe
Amat Adarov, Mahdi Ghodsi, Gabor Hunya and Olga Pindyuk
wiiw FDI Report No. 2019-06, June 2019
71 pages including 25 Tables and 20 Figures
Georgia’s Economic Performance: Bright Spots and Remaining Challenges
Tinatin Akhvlediani and Peter Havlik
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 29, April 2019
21 pages including 2 Tables and 13 Figures
Monthly Report No. 2/2019
Andrei V. Belyi, Peter Havlik, Artem Kochnev and Ilya B. Voskoboynikov
wiiw Monthly Report No. 2, February 2019
44 pages including 3 Tables and 30 Figures
Which Structural Reforms Does E(M)U Need to Function Properly?
Kurt Bayer
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 28, December 2018
17 pages including 1 Figure
Monthly Report No. 12/2018
Amat Adarov, Mario Holzner, Olga Pindyuk and Goran Vukšić
wiiw Monthly Report No. 12, December 2018
45 pages including 37 Figures
Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks
Amat Adarov, Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Richard Grieveson, Julia Grübler, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Peter Havlik, Philipp Heimberger, Mario Holzner, Gabor Hunya, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Forecast Report No. Autumn 2018, November 2018
181 pages including 37 Tables and 59 Figures