Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy - Publications
The Transition Countries in Early 2000: Improved Outlook for Growth, But Unemployment Is Still Rising
Peter Havlik
wiiw Research Report No. 266, June 2000
83 pages including 27 Tables and 8 Figures
Russia - Ukraine - CIS at the beginning of the year 2000. Hybrid economies benefit from devaluation
Vasily Astrov, Helen Boss Heslop and Peter Havlik
wiiw country profile No. 14, March 2000
Fiscal Policy Under a Currency Board Arrangement: Bulgaria's Post-crisis Policy Dilemmas
Rumen Dobrinsky
wiiw Research Report No. 265, March 2000
45 pages including 5 Tables and 10 Figures
Transition Countries Clamber Aboard the Business Boom in Western Europe. Upswing masks persistent transition-related problems
Josef Pöschl
wiiw Research Report No. 264, February 2000
102 pages including 27 Tables and 11 Figures
Measurement of Costs and Benefits of Accession to the European Union for Selected Countries in Central and Eastern Europe
Jorgen Mortensen and Sandor Richter
wiiw Research Report No. 263, January 2000
113 pages including 4 Tables and 1 Figure
Three Ways to ... High Unemployment
Kazimierz Laski
wiiw Working Paper No. 12, January 2000