Support of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) to the implementation of the Country Specific Recommendations and to structural reforms in Member States

Client/Funding Institution

European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


The study aims to produce evidence which can be used to support the implementation of the current programmes as well as the preparation of post-2020 ESIF programming. The study will focus on the relationships between structural reforms, linked to Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) proposed as part of the European Semester, and the strategic design and implementation of the ESI Funds. The role of the ESI Funds in promoting and supporting the reforms will be examined in depth, with particular attention on the impact of two of the novelties introduced in 2014-2020: the ex-ante conditionalities and thematic objective 11 on Enhancing Institutional Capacity of Public Authorities and Efficient Public Administration.


December 2015 - February 2017

wiiw team Leader

Sandor Richter

wiiw Staff

Mario Holzner, Sebastian Leitner, Roman Römisch

Project Partners

Ismeri Europa,

Keywords: ESIF, ESI Funds, structural reforms, Ex ante conditionality, Country Specific Recommendations

Countries covered: EU28, European Union

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Regional Development
