Crisis in the Eurozone and Europe's Emerging Economies: Any Chance to Resume Convergence?
22 March 2012 6:00 pm CET
Urania, Uraniastrasse 1, 1010 Vienna, Dachsaal
Charles Goodhart | Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics, Financial Markets Group, London |
Lájos Bokros | Member of the European Parliament for Hungary, former Minister of Finance, Budapest |
Istvan-Pal Szekely | European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), Brussels |
Rumen Dobrinsky | Director Economic Cooperation and Integration Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva |
This panel discussion will take stock of the impact of the eurozone crisis on and the likely medium-term economic outlook for the lower-income countries of Europe, the Central and Eastern European economies and the Southern European economies. The expert panel will cover developments in financial markets, trends in capital flows in and out of the region, the evolution of EU policies in relation to the most vulnerable countries and more generally the impact of policies adopted at the European level (fiscal compact, excessive imbalance procedure) on Europe's emerging economies. The panelists will cover fiscal developments, the issue of private sector debt and deleveraging processes and discuss the situation in particular economies (such as Hungary and the countries in Southeast Europe). The guiding question is whether the ground is laid for a resumption of growth and of catching-up processes in the lower-income countries of Europe and how this might proceed under the changed conditions following the current economic crisis.