Europe Alone at Home? The Future of EU–US Relations
15 January 2025 5:00 pm CET
In cooperation with:
wiiw, Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna, seminar room
The new seminar series 'Europe in a Fragmented World: Geo-economic and Geo-political Dynamics' will be introduced by Michael Landesmann (wiiw) and Cengiz Günay (oiip)
Much of the European Union's success has been built on a strong transatlantic partnership. The United States has been Europe’s leading trading partner, its primary political ally, and its military protector. However, Europe’s importance to the US has been in decline for some time, and there is legitimate concern that a second Trump administration could further weaken transatlantic ties and pursue an isolationist economic policy.
What might the implications be for Europe’s security, stability, and economic prosperity? How can the EU and Europe respond and position themselves in an increasingly multipolar world?
Speakers in this first seminar will include:
Gabriel Felbermayr (Director, WIFO)
Sudha David-Wilp (Regional Director of the German Marshall Fund Berlin)
Hannes Swoboda (President, wiiw)