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Projects: contains »bri« (36 projects found)
Economic policy implications of the Belt and Road Initiative for CESEE and Austria
Client: Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China
Duration: October 2017 - March 2018
Productivity, Non-Tariff Measures and Openness (PRONTO)
Client: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme
Duration: February 2014 - January 2018
Fiscal policies in Europe I.
Client: Austrian Chamber of Labour
Duration: January 2016 - December 2017
Framework Contract: Assessment of EU policy impacts on industrial products and services sectors
Client: European Commission, DG Grow
Duration: October 2013 - July 2017
Economic challenges of lagging regions
Client: European Commission, DG Regional Policy
Duration: January 2016 - June 2017
Framework contract on services related to the coordination and provision of horizontal support to the EURES network.
Client: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Duration: September 2014 - August 2016
Mid-term skills supply and demand forecast
Client: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Duration: January 2013 - June 2016
Industrial competitiveness and market performance (ECSIP)
Client: European Commission, DG Grow
Duration: April 2012 - December 2015
Trade Sustainability Impact Assessments between the EU and Armenia
Client: European Commission, DG Trade
Duration: December 2012 - September 2013
Support to the Development of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy
Client: Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
Duration: June 2013 - September 2013