Publications: contains »policy« (703 publications found)
Estimating Demand Spillovers of EU Cohesion Policy Using European Regional Input-Output Tables
Roman Römisch
wiiw Working Paper No. 184, August 2020
31 pages including 2 Tables and 15 Figures
On the Economic Effects of a Reallocation of EU Cohesion Policy Expenditures
Stefan Jestl and Roman Römisch
wiiw Working Paper No. 183, August 2020
36 pages including 4 Tables and 11 Figures
Non-tariff Trade Policy Analysis: An Ex-post Assessment of the EU-Korea Agreement
Julia Grübler and Oliver Reiter
wiiw Working Paper No. 182, August 2020
35 pages including 8 Tables and 6 Figures
Characterising Non-tariff Trade Policy
Julia Grübler and Oliver Reiter
wiiw Research Report No. 449, August 2020
45 pages including 11 Tables and 15 Figures
Decoupling of Labour Productivity Growth from Median Wage Growth in Central and Eastern Europe
Joris M. Schröder
wiiw Research Report No. 448, July 2020
46 pages including 3 Tables and 17 Figures
Monthly Report No. 07-08/2020
Alexandra Bykova, Julia Grübler, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Philipp Heimberger and Nikolaus Kowall
wiiw Monthly Report No. 7-8, July - August 2020
49 pages including 33 Figures
Die Vernetzung Wiens mit den Städten Europas
David Zenz
wiiw Statistical Report No. 9, June 2020
36 pages including 1 Table and 41 Figures
Economic Challenges and Costs of Reintegrating the Donbas Region in Ukraine
Peter Havlik, Artem Kochnev and Olga Pindyuk
wiiw Research Report No. 447, June 2020
72 pages including 15 Tables, 27 Figures and 4 Boxes
How to Spend it: A Proposal for a European Covid-19 Recovery Programme
Jérôme Creel, Mario Holzner, Francesco Saraceno, Andrew Watt and Jérôme Wittwer
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 38, June 2020
25 pages including 1 Table and 8 Figures
Capital Dynamics, Global Value Chains, Competitiveness and Barriers to FDI and Capital Accumulation in the EU
Amat Adarov and Robert Stehrer
wiiw Research Report No. 446, June 2020
63 pages including 13 Tables and 31 Figures