Ukraine’s integration in the EU common market
01 December 2021 4:00 pm CET
Achievements in the framework of the Association Agreement and the need for modernization.
Online zoom event. Please register using the link below.
For more than seven years, relations between Ukraine and the EU have been governed by the Association Agreement (AA), the most ambitious international agreement Ukraine has ever concluded. The most specific commitments of the Parties were undertaken in the
framework of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) and economic cooperation aiming at achieving Ukraine’s integration into the EU internal market. Ukraine is obliged to adopt and practically implement the acquis - legal norms, regulations and technical standards of the EU - in exchange for commitments of the EU to integrate Ukraine into the internal market of the EU. In general, except for the European Economic Area and the candidate countries, the EU has never been so open to its internal market to third countries.
Albeit with delays, Ukraine has been fulfilling its obligations regarding adjustment of technical barriers, customs procedures, telecommunications, postal and courier services, inland water transport, the natural gas market and the first three stages of public procurement. However, actual progress in economic integration into the EU market till now has been made in only two areas. It is essential that the EU strengthens its commitments to regular verification of Ukraine’s progress in and to deepening of the economic integration within the AA (in particular, concluding agreements with Ukraine on road, railroad, and inland waterway transport). Additionally, it is important to integrate the European Green Deal into the framework of Ukraine’s economic integration into the EU market. This primarily affects energy, transport, technical regulation and sanitary and phytosanitary measures, public procurement, and financial services. Without considering the Green Deal, effective AA modernisation and sectoral integration would be impossible.
Veronika Movchan, Academic Director, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, Ukraine
Veronika Movchan is an Academic Director of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) and a member of the VoxUkraine Editorial Board. She specializes in trade policy analysis and modeling. Recently she has been focused on impact analysis of the DCFTAs with the EU.
Olga Pindyuk (Moderator), Economist, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
Olga Pindyuk is Economist at wiiw. Her research focuses on foreign trade, in particular trade in services, and financial markets. She is also country expert for Ukraine and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). She has extensive experience with services trade data and does research on modelling trade costs in services trade and on linkages between producer services trade and manufacturing. Previously, she worked as a consultant with the World Bank (Ukraine office) and the DFID Ukraine Trade Policy Project.
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The presentation will be held in English.
Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.