Webinar: Looking for shelter from the storm
06 May 2020 4:00 pm CEST
Presentation of new economic forecasts for Eastern Europe for 2020-21.
online event
The fallout from the Coronavirus will deliver a serious blow to all economies of Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE). Many of them are on course for their worst year since the early 1990s. However, the virus has not spread in most of the region as it did in Western Europe, and the economic impact is likely to differ vastly between countries. wiiw's new forecasts will highlight the areas of strength and potential vulnerability in Eastern Europ, and look ahead to the shape and speed of the recovery. It will also ask whether there are areas where these countries could benefit.
The following questions will be addressed:
- Does the much lower number of confirmed COVID-19 cases mean the economic impact on Eastern European economies will be less severe than in rich countries?
- Where are the areas of relative strength and resilience in the region?
- How worried should we be about increased public debt?
- Can we expect a sharp recovery, or will the weakness last for years?
- Where are the opportunities for Eastern Europe in the crisis?
Please register here: https:/my.demio.com/ref/9GTDqBkWC7Pky8zK
The presentation will be held in English. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Richard Grieveson is Economist and Deputy Director at wiiw. His research focus includes Turkey and the Balkans, CESEE country analysis and forecasting, migration, economic history, and sovereign risk.
Mario Holzner is Economist and Executive Director. He is also coordinating economic policy development and communication with a focus on European economic policy. He has recently worked on issues of infrastructure investment in greater Europe, proposing a European Silk Road.