Getting stronger after COVID-19?

27  May 2021    10:00 am CEST

Nearshoring potentials in the Western Balkans


This is an online event via Zoom. Please register using the link below.


The pandemic brought global supply chains into disarray and has made companies think about increasing the resilience of their production through shorter supply chains, geographically closer locations and increased inventories. A new study by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, the Western Balkans Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF), GTAI and the Western Balkans Chamber Partnership examines how the Western Balkans could benefit from a possible restructuring of international production and a nearshoring trend.

The strengths and potentials of the Western Balkans as an investment location will be discussed by a panel of chamber and company representatives.


Tatjana Sterjova Duskovska, Secretary General, WB6 CIF

Presentation of the main study findings
Branimir Jovanović, Economist, wiiw
Sophia Kluge and Olga van Zijverden, Coordinators of the Chamber Partnership Western Balkans

Panel discussion: Strengths and potentials of the WB6
Bojan Stanić (Assistant Director of Sector for Strategic Analysis, Services and Internationalization, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia)
Dirk Bantel (Managing Director, Vossloh-Schwabe), Zoran Nikolovski (Aktiva)  

Conclusions: Implications and action points
Ognjenka Lalović, Director Economy Department, Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH

Discussion, Q&A with audience

The event will be moderated by Ravik Mima


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The study was prepared in cooperation with the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, the Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Western Balkans six Chamber Investment Forum, the Chamber Partnership Western Balkans, and Germany Trade and Invest. It was financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany).