Labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation and demographic change
09 November 2022 9:00 am CET
Mid term conference of the Horizon 2020 project UNTANGLED
Brussels / Hote Thon
The UNTANGLED project (where wiiw is a partner) is organising a conference titled Labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation and demographic change. The event will take place in Brussels on 9 November 2022 and feature a keynote address from Anna Salomons, Professor of Employment and Inequality at Utrecht University.
The conference will address the implications of technological transformation, globalisation and demographic change for:
- Heterogenous impacts of mega-trends on labour market outcomes
- Work-related migration and skills
- Education and future skill needs, productivity growth
- (Regional / Rural-urban) convergence / divergence, EU economic governance, trade
- Technology and human capital
- (Wage / regional) inequality, social policy
The preliminary programme can be found here.