Political Economy of Trade Policy
22 September 2015 11:00 am CEST
One-day workshop on current trade negotiations (especially TTIP)
The Federal Ministry of Science (Research and Economy (BMWFW)), Stubenring 1, 1011 Vienna, Sitzungssaal II (“Gobelinsaal”)
The goal of this one-day workshop is to bring the scientific community on trade and political economy together with policy-makers on current trade negotiations, especially TTIP. The first part, the scientific workshop, will consist of research presentations in a seminar format on the political economy of trade deals. The second part, opening the audience to the wider public, will contain a keynote, which will be presented by Lord Maude, Minister for Trade and Investment, followed by a panel discussion on the politics and strategic implications of the current trade negotiations. We believe that this is the ideal format to reach both a wide audience, and an expert group in Austria, one of the key countries for the TTIP negotiations.
Please register for the Workshop here.
The workshop is organised by The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) in cooperation with the Johannes Kepler University within the Research Center International Economics (FIW: http://www.fiw.ac.at/). The FIW is a project of the The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). It is a collaboration of WIFO, wiiw, WSR and Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Vienna and Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Related Presentations
- Francois: Regulatory Diversion and Third Country Effects from Regional Agreements
- Jansen: Economics of trade disputes and investor-state disputes
- Matschke: U.S. Foreign Direct Investment and Its Influence on the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences
- Duer: Intra-Industry Trade, Global Supply Chains and the Political Economy of Preferential Trade Liberalization
- Winters: Regionalism and the WTO: Political Economy on a World Scale?
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- The Political Economy of Trade Policy
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