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04  November 2010    4:00 pm CET

The Culture of Corruption and its Macroeconomic Implications

Alex Mourmouras, Chief of the European Division of the IMF Institute

wiiw Seminar Series, 'Policy Options for the Post-Crisis Economy in Central, East and Southeast Europe' read more

03  November 2010    4:00 pm CET

Fiscal Policy Alternatives for Romania

Varujan Vosganian, Former Minister of Economy and Finance, Romania

wiiw Seminar Series, 'Policy Options for the Post-Crisis Economy in Central, East and Southeast Europe' read more

28  October 2010    4:00 pm CEST

A Story of Unfortunate Events: The Crisis in South Eastern Europe – the Case of Croatia

Katarina Ott, Director, Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb

wiiw Seminar Series, 'Policy Options for the Post-Crisis Economy in Central, East and Southeast Europe' read more

25  October 2010    2:00 pm CEST

Sectoral Composition of Foreign Direct Investment and External Vulnerability

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Yuko Kinoshita, IMF

Seminars in International Economics read more

07  October 2010    4:00 pm CEST

'Addressing the Best Enemy': The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Developing Countries’ Terms of Trade

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Konstantin Wacker, University of Göttingen

Seminars in International Economics read more

04  October 2010    4:00 pm CEST

The Euro Area Crisis: What Went Wrong? What Should be Changed? What Could We Change?

Christian Ghymers, Senior Adviser DG ECFIN European Commission and JVI

wiiw Seminar Series, 'Crisis Management in Central, East and Southeast Europe: What is to be done?' read more

13  September 2010    4:00 pm CEST

Financialization and Financial Crisis: Revisiting Keynesianism

Amit Bhaduri, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indian Council of Social Development and Pavia University

wiiw Seminar Series, 'Crisis Management in Central, East and Southeast Europe: What is to be done?' read more

08  July 2010    10:00 am CEST

Current economic situation and medium-term forecast for the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe, and China

wiiw Press Conferences read more

21  June 2010    5:00 pm CEST

Slovakia after the June 2010 Elections: Economic and Political Choices

Julius Horvath, Central European University

wiiw Seminar Series, 'Crisis Management in Central, East and Southeast Europe: What is to be done?' read more

17  June 2010    5:30 pm CEST

European Trade in Parts and Components: Searching (for a Trade Model for Searching) for Offshoring Evidence

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Richard Frensch, Institute for East European Studies, Regensburg

Seminars in International Economics read more
