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13  November 2014    4:00 pm CET

Does FDI crowd out domestic investment in transition countries?

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Cristina Jude, University of Orleans, France

Seminars in International Economics read more

13  November 2014    10:00 am CET

On Thin Ice: CESEE Core Resilient in the Face of EU Stagnation and the Ukraine Crisis

Presentation of wiiw's latest growth forecast for the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe

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30  October 2014    4:00 pm CET

Cohesion in the new EU member states: catching-up, structural change and the role of trade and FDI

Presentation and Discussion

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23  October 2014    4:00 pm CEST

Eurozone Banks’ Distress: Lessons from the United States and Japan

Guntram B. Wolff, Director of Bruegel

Policy Perspectives for European Integration read more

13  October 2014    10:00 am CEST

Wirtschaftliche Effekte des Konflikts in der Ukraine


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02  October 2014    4:00 pm CEST

The ladder of foreign sales: Internationalization modes of European firms

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Gábor Békés, CERS-HAS

Seminars in International Economics read more

26  September 2014    9:00 am CEST

Finance and the Macroeconomy – A Postkeynesian Perspective

Two-day Workshop

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17  September 2014    4:00 pm CEST

Gains from Deep Trade Integration: The Case of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Gabriel Felbermayr, Ifo Center for International Economics, LMU

Seminars in International Economics read more

03  July 2014    10:00 am CEST

Presentation of wiiw's latest growth forecast for the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe

New wiiw forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe, 2014-2016: Investment to the Rescue – Despite Negative Effects of Ukraine War and Balkan Flood

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26  June 2014    5:00 pm CEST

Eurozone Crisis and Legitimacy: Governing by the rules, ruling by the numbers

Vivien A. Schmidt, Boston University

Policy Perspectives for European Integration read more
