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11  March 2024    4:00 pm CET

A rational pension reform package: Hungary 2025

Unlocking the Future: A Glimpse into Hungary's Pension Reform Journey - Insights, Challenges, and Solutions with András Simonovits

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22  February 2024    9:00 am CET

16th FIW-Research Conference 'International Economics'

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW).

Two-days annual research conference

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26  January 2024    10:00 am CET

Potential for the digital economy in the Danube region

In cooperation with Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW), Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ).

FIW Round Table: Focus Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe

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23  January 2024    4:00 pm CET

Automation Meets the Demographic Challenge

with Klaus Prettner (University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna), Vegard Skirbekk (Columbia University/ Norwegian Institute of Public Health)

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11  January 2024    9:00 am CET

Migration, Flüchtlingsintegration und Außenwirtschaft

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) .

Judith Kohlenberger (WU) und Michael Landesmann (wiiw)

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14  December 2023    3:30 pm CET

Confiscation of russian sovereign assets: What are the options?

Panelist: Andrii Mikheiev (International Center for Ukrainian Victory, Kyiv), Panelist: Maksym Kuzhdin (Center for Economic Strategy, Kyiv), Panelist: Martin Sandbu (Financial Times), Presenter: Olga Pindyuk (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)

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12  December 2023    4:00 pm CET

Dependency at a crossroads: Poland’s political economy since 2008 and in the context of the recent election 

with Maciej J. Grodzicki (Jagiellonian University)

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05  December 2023    2:00 pm CET

Hidden in plain sight: Influential sets in linear regression

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Join Jesus Crespo as he explores the world of econometrics through case studies in development economics.

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23  November 2023    9:00 am CET

Fiscal Policy for the 21st Century: Meeting Economic, Social and Climate Challenges

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16  November 2023    9:30 am CET

The EU-Mercosur Agreement: Expectations and Concerns in Light of the New Geopolitical Situation

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW).

Javier Mendoza, MSc (wiiw)

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