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News & Opinions

Q3 GDP data show EU-CEE still booming - 15 Nov 2017

The region is seeing positive labour market trends, and is benefitting from higher EU funds inflows and the strong cyclical upswing in Germany and other Western markets. read more

CESEE in 2017-2019: back on track to convergence - 09 Nov 2017

In our Autumn Forecast we revised up our expectations for growth across EU-CEE. For the Western Balkans, the CIS and Ukraine, the trends are generally less positive. read more

October 1917: How it all went wrong - 25 Oct 2017

The Russian Revolution heralded a fertile period for economic thinking in the 1920s, but this was decisively killed off by Stalin. The effects of the destruction he wrought have left a long shadow. read more

Czech election: Big changes in parliament, minimal economic impact - 23 Oct 2017

A big change in policy direction is unlikely under the next government, and opposition to euro accession and refugees will remain high. The economy will be largely unaffected. read more

Catalan Independence: Economic costs could be significant - 22 Oct 2017

Those in favour of Catalan independence should not underestimate the potentially huge economic costs this would entail. A commentary by Kurt Bayer. read more

Yugoslav lessons for Catalonia - 20 Oct 2017

The key to secession is establishing fiscal autonomy and territorial control, but this will take a long time, and the accommodation of Catalan demands within federal structures should still be possible. read more

Where will all the workers go...? - 12 Oct 2017

The ‘rise of the machines’ will have little impact on overall employment levels but will lead to rising labour market inequality and changes in demand for skills, David Dorn concluded at this year’s Global Economy Lecture. read more

Ten reflections on the UK in the aftermath of Brexit - 10 Oct 2017

The UK’s decision to leave the EU provides a rare chance to see what happens when a generally stable, conservative country does something radical. It has brought into sharper focus some fascinating aspects of the country’s political culture. read more

Kurt Rothschild Prize for Philipp Heimberger - 28 Sep 2017

wiiw economist Philipp Heimberger has been awarded the Kurt Rothschild Prize for Economic Journalism for his analysis of the macroeconomic consequences of fiscal austerity measures in the eurozone. read more

New elements in renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy - 27 Sep 2017

The EU’s recently published ‘Renewed Industrial Policy Strategy’ points towards important issues on top of strengthening competitiveness. A commentary by Robert Stehrer. read more
