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News & Opinions

Financial linkages of Eastern Europe with the EU and other global players - 20 Jun 2023

The EU remains the main source of capital for Eastern Europe. However, China’s influence in the region has been growing, especially in the Western Balkans and Turkey read more

Green and digital transformation will widen the gap between poor and rich regions in the EU - 12 Jun 2023

The European economy is undergoing a double transformation towards digitalisation and greening. For cities and high-tech regions, this is an opportunity. For others, it could be a burden read more

Seminar in memory of Vladimir Gligorov: brilliant economist, Balkan expert and friend of wiiw - 26 May 2023

Two high-ranking panels discussed ways to overcome the political divisions and economic problems in the Balkans read more

Das wiiw sucht eine/n Assistent:in der Geschäftsleitung/Office Manager:in (m/w/d) - 10 May 2023

Zur Verstärkung unseres internationalen Teams schreiben wir eine Vollzeitstelle (Teilung in zwei Stellen zu jeweils 20 Stunden möglich) aus. read more

Turkey’s economy at a crossroads - 08 May 2023

In 2023, GDP growth will halve to 2.6%. The earthquake disaster weighs on the country's economy. Inflation remains high and ultra-expansionary monetary policy could lead to a currency crisis read more

In memoriam Dionys Lehner (1942–2023) - 02 May 2023

Am 18. April ist das wiiw-Vorstandsmitglied Dionys Lehner im Alter von 80 Jahren verstorben. Der Industrie-Visionär und Wissenschafts-Mäzen war ein wahrer Freund und großer Förderer des Instituts. read more

Spring Forecast: Eastern Europe growing more strongly than the euro area - 26 Apr 2023

A fragile recovery, but downside risks remain. Ukraine proved more resilient than expected, while Russia sees structural change due to sanctions. Inflation remains stubbornly high read more

What future for the economic reconstruction of Ukraine? - 15 Mar 2023

After the war, Ukraine could follow the economic catch-up process of EU members in Central Europe. However, this requires massive support from the EU and other Western partners read more

Europe’s economy resilient to war fallout – for now - 13 Mar 2023

Economically, the EU has coped with the Ukraine war much better than expected. But if it cannot translate its economic power into political influence, it will remain vulnerable to external shocks read more

Munich Security Conference: wiiw and Bertelsmann Stiftung presented study on EU’s geo-economic influence - 08 Mar 2023

The EU is the economically dominant player in its neighbourhood, but does not use this leverage to support its interests. It should do more to counter Russia's and China's influence there read more
