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News & Opinions

The Belarus Economy: The Challenges of Stalled Reforms - 24 Nov 2016

A new wiiw study analyses the unique transition experience of Belarus and calls for a new policy set up read more

Policies of Donald Trump: any lessons from other populist governments? - 16 Nov 2016

Two examples – to get some flavour of how events may unfold – are Poland and Hungary. Wisława Niemczyk & Sándor Richter have looked at the situation. read more

CETA is still alive... - 15 Nov 2016

Following the US election, TTIP is probably dead. However, this could make CETA more likely. On Thursday, Mario Larch will outline what CETA means for trade and investment. read more

What a Trump victory means for CESEE - 11 Nov 2016

An ‘America First’ policy as envisaged by the newly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, could have far reaching consequences. Economists at the wiiw discussed the economic and geopolitical implications for the CESEE region. read more

Labour shortages driving economic growth? - 10 Nov 2016

At today’s press conference, Vasily Astrov presented the new wiiw forecast for 22 countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe. A summary. read more

An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown based on the WIOD 2016 Release - 09 Nov 2016

wiiw and the GGDC updated the World Input-Output Database to analyse the slowdown in the global trade-to-GDP ratio based on a novel measure of international production fragmentation. read more

BREXIT: Austria's position in forthcoming negotiations - 27 Oct 2016

Charles Wyplosz asked leading economists from the EU27 about their countries’ prospective negotiating positions vis à vis Brexit. Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer to shed light on Austria’s stance. read more

Trade: A Matter of Standards - 18 Oct 2016

Non-tariff measures are the hot topics in trade negotiations such as CETA and TTIP. The FIW Workshop on Friday, 21 October sheds light on why they matter so much today. read more

Why Europe needs more public investment - 18 Oct 2016

wiiw Economist Philipp Heimberger assesses Europe’s fiscal policies and calls for a coordinated push for public investments, in which the surplus countries should lead the way read more

The space for an industrial policy in Europe - 29 Sep 2016

Last week, Mario Pianta from University of Urbino presented a wide ranging proposal for a new European-level industrial policy at wiiw. Here is a video interview. read more
