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News & Opinions

20 years after the EU’s Eastern enlargement: charting a path for sustained economic success - 11 Jun 2024

With the right industrial policies, the EU members in CEE can become a more strategic player in EU value chains, increase their resilience and close the remaining gaps with Western Europe read more

Spring Forecast: Eastern Europe recovery remains on track - 24 Apr 2024

Private consumption main driver of growth; geopolitical risks weigh; Ukrainian recovery in jeopardy; Russia's war economy at its limits, secondary sanctions could hurt read more

BRICS Plus: New World Order after the Pax Americana? - 08 Apr 2024

The political and economic interests of the heterogeneous group of countries are too diverse to seriously jeopardise Western supremacy. However, as a bloc, they would be in a position to pressure the West because of their huge energy reserves read more

wiiw is hiring an Economic Data Specialist (m/f/d) - 04 Apr 2024

Main responsibilities include data research, data preparation, data management and the deelopment of visualisations read more

wiiw sucht eine(n) Industrie-/Handelsökonom/in (m/w/d) - 04 Apr 2024

Der oder die KandidatIn betreibt angewandte empirische Forschung und erweitert unser Fachwissen über Industrie- und Handelspolitik. read more

wiiw sucht eine(n) Projektmanager/In (m/w/d) - 04 Apr 2024

Der oder die KandidatIn wird Forschungsprojekte, Projektanträge und Projektveranstaltungen koordinieren. read more

The EU’s new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans: solid foundations but shaky details - 18 Mar 2024

The EU Commission’s new economic plan for the Western Balkans may sound promising, but it falters upon closer inspection. It lacks substance, fails to address key issues, and doesn't fix past flaws read more

Gute Aussichten für die österreichische Exportwirtschaft - 27 Feb 2024

Österreichs Exporteure konnten 2023 Exportmarktanteile gewinnen. FIW prognostiziert für 2024 ein preisbereinigtes Exportwachstum von 2,2 Prozent und von 3,2 Prozent für 2025 read more

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on employment: a new economic paradigm - 16 Feb 2024

AI can be both a disruptor and an enabler of human welfare. What will be its effects on labour markets, social welfare and global value chains? The right policies will be crucial to make it economically beneficial read more

Winter Forecast: Growth in Eastern Europe to strengthen in 2024 - 30 Jan 2024

Falling inflation, rising real wages and interest rate cuts will provide a boost; Ukraine's economic recovery in jeopardy; Russia's war economy is overheating; inflation is returning to normal read more
