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News & Opinions

Eurozone Banks’ Distress: Lessons from the United States and Japan - 28 Oct 2014

wiiw Scientific director Michael Landesmann talks with Guntram Wolff, Director of the economic policy think tank Bruegel on Eurozone’s major macro-economic challenges. read more

Economic consequences of the Ukraine conflict - 14 Oct 2014

The Ukraine conflict is having serious consequences, not only for Russia and Ukraine. On 13th Oct, Peter Havlik and Vasily Astrov presented their findings to the press. read more

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies is looking for a new Scientific Director - 31 Jul 2014

Michael Landesmann plans to retire from his current post and the board of the institute has initiated a formal search process for a new scientific director. read more

Hermine Vidovic on Slovenia: first signs of recovery - 17 Jul 2014

The wiiw economist gave a radio interview about economic policy priorities after the recent parliamentary elections in Slovenia and positive signs of the country’s economic recovery. read more

New wiiw forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe: Investment to the Rescue - 03 Jul 2014

wiiw expects an acceleration of GDP growth in Central, East and Southeast Europe to an average 2-3% annually until 2016. A major driving force is an upward reversal of investments. read more

Charting Ways Out of Europe’s Impasse – A Policy Memorandum - 26 Jun 2014

The international AUGUR research consortium published a Policy memorandum, in which it outlines possible ways out of prolonged stagnation and low growth in Europe. read more

Inside the Euro Crisis: An Eyewitness Account - 24 Jun 2014

wiiw scientific director Michael Landesmann interviews Simeon Djankov about his experiences at ECOFIN meetings during the crisis, about tensions between politics and economics and the future of the euro zone. read more

Vasily Astrov wins the Consensus Forecast Accuracy Award 2013 - 23 Jun 2014

For the accuracy of his macroeconomic forecasts, wiiw Economist and Country Expert on Ukraine Vasily Astrov wins the prestigious award by Consensus Economics read more

An industrial renaissance in Europe? - 16 Jun 2014

wiiw Scientific director Michael Landesmann talks with Reinhilde Veugelers, Dominique Foray and Ron Boschma about a revival of industrial policy in Europe. Watch the interviews on our website. read more

Economic convergence in Europe - 11 Jun 2014

wiiw draws conclusions from a biannual collaborative research endeavour on growth, cohesion and structural change in the process of CEE transition and EU membership. read more
