News & Opinions
Kosovo’s new power plant provokes environmental and cost concerns - 23 Mar 2018
The plant will cut the energy deficit and boost the economy, but many aspects of the project have been criticised. A clean, sustainable energy future for Kosovo lies elsewhere. read more
EU cohesion policy has mixed results for firms’ productivity - 22 Mar 2018
In some areas the impact appears to be negative, although this may change over time. read more
Labour’s falling share of national income – and what to do about it - 21 Mar 2018
Centralised wage bargaining or a larger role for the state have limited the fall in the wage share since 1960. read more
Convergence or disintegration in Europe? The problem of structural polarization - 20 Mar 2018
The current economic upswing masks continued underlying challenges; ensuring long-term convergence and stability will require coordinated fiscal, wage and industrial policies. read more
Further improvement in Western Balkan labour markets last year - 20 Mar 2018
Despite the positive trends, the region continues to struggle with low activity rates, and high levels of long-term and youth unemployment. read more
Mit eiserner Faust gegen NAFTA? - 19 Mar 2018
US Präsident Trump erhöht aus 'Sorge um die nationale Sicherheit' Zölle auf Stahl- und Aluminiumprodukte. Handelsdaten deuten dagegen auf Druckausübung auf NAFTA-Verhandlungspartner. read more
In Zahlen: von Stahl zu Fahrzeugen - 17 Mar 2018
Angedeutete US-Zölle auf Fahrzeuge stellen jene gegen Stahl und Aluminium in den Schatten. In Europa können diese Maßnahmen regional gänzlich unterschiedliche Effekte zeigen. read more
Russian economy going nowhere until relations with West and Ukraine improve - 15 Mar 2018
Without normalisation of external relations there will be no end to the vicious circle of sanctions, trade protectionism, and lack of investment. read more
New wiiw forecast for CESEE: Riding the global growth wave - 13 Mar 2018
Aggregate real GDP is at its strongest level for six years. Convergence with western Europe should continue in 2018-2020. read more
New US tariffs: Escalation to trade war would hit Europe hard - 09 Mar 2018
Tariffs on aluminium and steel would be damaging enough, but an expansion to passenger vehicles would affect a large share of EU car exports to the US. read more