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News & Opinions

Solving the mystery of weak wage growth in EU-CEE - 26 Jul 2018

Earnings have been slow to respond to increasingly tight labour markets. The answer lies in post-crisis reforms which have significantly reduced labour’s bargaining power. read more

Freihandelsabkommen im Schatten des drohenden Handelskrieges - 16 Jul 2018

Während sich die Zollfronten zwischen den USA und China härten, wird das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Japan fast unbemerkt verabschiedet. read more

Trade reorientation in Russia: will China replace the EU? - 10 Jul 2018

Ongoing tensions with the West mean that China’s importance as a source of imports for Russia will only continue to grow. read more

Von Zolleskalation zum Nulltarif - 09 Jul 2018

Anstatt Zölle auf europäische Autos zu erheben, kommt nun der US-Vorschlag, sie gänzlich abzuschaffen. Geht das so einfach? Ist der Vorschlag ernst zu nehmen? read more

A “European Silk Road”: the case for a “big push” in infrastructure investment - 06 Jul 2018

A new wiiw study concludes that Europe should respond to China’s New Silk Road initiative with its own coherent infrastructure network and transport strategy. read more

„Dollar für Dollar“: Konsequenzen einer „America Alone“-Politik - 05 Jul 2018

Laut US Präsident Trump ist es einfach einen Handelskrieg zu gewinnen. Doch die Wirtschaft der USA sieht das anders. read more

Iran: Rouhani visit to Austria comes at a difficult time - 03 Jul 2018

Austria and the EU are keen to help, but a new wiiw study on Iran concludes that US sanctions will add to an already extensive list of economic challenges. read more

CESEE: Growth has passed its peak - 28 Jun 2018

Julia Grübler and Vasily Astrov presented the new Forecast Report for the Central, East and Southeast European countries and their economic ties with Austria. read more

Turkey election: Erdoğan wins, but economy headed for stormy weather - 25 Jun 2018

The large current account deficit and high FX debt rollover needs leave Turkey exposed to increasingly volatile global conditions. read more

What would Keynes propose for the euro? - 21 Jun 2018

At our 2018 Łaski lecture, Robert Skidelski asked what the great economist would have done to fix the single currency area. A full video of the lecture is now available. read more
