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Measuring China’s rise - 09 Oct 2019

The US, the EU and China are the world’s biggest economies. With the People’s Republic of China celebrating its 70th anniversary, we review their changing global economic positioning. read more

Labour market improvements in the Visegrád countries: a mixed blessing for Austria - 02 Oct 2019

So far, the economic effects of the shrinking working-age population were mostly positive. But reduced migration from the V4 to Austria is likely to aggravate labour and skills shortages. read more

The current economic downturn in Europe must be seen in the context of a wider problem of economic polarisation - 30 Sep 2019

The 2017-2018 economic upswing only masked the underlying economic polarisation within the EU, which will again become more evident as the economy continues to cool. read more

Neue wiiw-Studie über Arbeitsmarkt und Löhne in den Westbalkanländern, Moldawien und der Ukraine - 10 Sep 2019

Trotz des starken Wirtschaftswachstums ist eine Angleichung der Löhne an österreichische und westeuropäische Niveaus ausgeblieben. Eine beträchtliche Abwanderung war die Folge. read more

War in the Donbass: Five years on, is there any hope of a durable peace? - 02 Sep 2019

After half a decade of conflict in Eastern Ukraine, the new president has come to power promising a breakthrough. Can he succeed? read more

Von der provisorischen zur tatsächlichen Ostöffnung - 19 Aug 2019

Beim Paneuropäischen Picknick vor 30 Jahren sollten sich West- und Osteuropa symbolisch annähern. Dass die Ostöffnung unmittelbar bevorstand und wie holprig sie verlaufen würde, war damals noch nicht absehbar. read more

Could it end in war? In need of a compromise between US and Iran - 26 Jul 2019

The priority on all sides should be to keep open lines of communication and to look for a compromise. read more

Enter Boris Johnson - 23 Jul 2019

Risks of a “no deal” Brexit, and the likelihood of a UK general election, have both risen. The UK may still be at the start of a multi-year political crisis. read more

On a 20-year journey towards a global gold-standard in trade - 23 Jul 2019

This month marks the first anniversary of the EU-Japan trade agreement. Initial effects are already observable. However, its full implementation still lies 20 years ahead of us. read more

Eastern Europe standing firm in face of global headwinds - 04 Jul 2019

New wiiw forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE) in 2019-21, with a focus on Austria’s relations with the region read more
