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News & Opinions

Labour markets and skill demand in 2025 - 31 Jul 2015

Despite a desperate demand for high-skilled workers in the EU-28, the potential of foreign students remains widely untapped and underutilised. A commentary by wiiw Economist Isilda Mara read more

Geo-economics and geopolitics: the notion of dependence - 29 Jul 2015

Vladimir Gligorov illustrates the difference between economic and political geography, between geo-economics and geopolitics on the examples of the Turkish and now defunct South Stream. read more

‘No More Extend and Pretend’? - 17 Jul 2015

When Syriza came into power it promised to end the policy of “extend and pretend”. The outcome so far is a new extension with pretension that it is the last one. A commentary by Vladimir Gligorov. read more

Cohesion Policy as a Function of the EU Budget. A Perspective from CEE Member States - 16 Jul 2015

A wiiw study by Mojmir Mrak, Sandor Richter and Tamás Szemlér analyses CEE expert opinions on the optimal size and targets of the EU budget. read more

Defaults in Yugoslavia with Greece in mind - 07 Jul 2015

Yugoslavia had a lot of experience with defaults and changing monetary regimes, which may be interesting to summarise having current Greek challenges in mind. A commentary by Vladimir Gligorov read more

Western CESEE countries in the ascendant - 02 Jul 2015

At today’s press conference, Mario Holzner presented wiiw's new forecast for 22 CESEE countries. The underlying research report also analyses Austria’s relations with the region. read more

Greece: One size doesn't fit all - 01 Jul 2015

Even without Greece’s massive external debt, it is difficult to see how it could become an export based economy. A video interview with Vladimir Gligorov. read more

EU’s and Ukraine’s homework - 30 Jun 2015

How to stabilize the economy of Ukraine and how to move towards a sustainable reform and growth path? read more

Greece’s adjustment problem - 25 Jun 2015

Keynes knew it was hard for a country to adjust to changing financial circumstances and to correct for its external imbalances. A commentary by Vladimir Gligorov read more

wiiw expert Vasily Astrov comments on the effectiveness of EU sanctions against Russia - 24 Jun 2015

In a video blog, Vasily Astrov argues that EU sanctions had a minor impact on the Russian economy and indirectly fostered nationalism and anti-western sentiments. read more
